Her father and his cameraman, Don McAlpine caught what might become a notable film of Prime Minister Harold Holt jumping at a Portsea sea shore, for a Weekend Magazine feature story, months before Holt disappeared from that very spot suddenly and completely in 1967.After his journalism career ended, he founded the Shooters Party in 1992.

Mary F. Calvert / Reuters

Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images According to the Ingraham's relationship with the mainstream GOP didn't improve with presidential candidates John McCain or Mitt Romney, who both lost to Barack Obama.She said: "After much thought and reflection, I have decided to pursue my first loves — modern dance and the xylophone. Mary F. Calvert / Reuters She was born in 30 Nov, 1900. Laura Ingle's profile on FOXNews.com: Joining the network in 2005, Ingle was originally based in Dallas, and is currently based in New York. She is most famous for being the chief political correspondent for ABC's 7.30 television programLaura Margaret Tingle was born in February of 1961. "Within 48 hours, the hashtag #istandwithlaura was trending.She also posted then deleted a tweet that said, "great time to fly if not in at-risk population.

Cole eventually dropped his case. Her father was very involved in politics and wanted to make sure that his daughter received a proper education.During her youth, Tingle's folks hushed up about their political affiliations and supported an inquisitive psyche that would work well for Tingle in her future career, "I think at that particular point in history everyone tended to be a Labor voter or a Liberal voter from birth, but the thing that both my parents always impressed upon my older brother and sister and I was that you shouldn't just vote for a label, you should look at the politicians and make an assessment; are they smart, are they talking about sensible things you think would be good for the country? Ringo H.W.

Brendan Hoffman/Getty "Ingraham said, "I'm not sure who won but I feel I've made a point.