Slade drives Jericho to his lesson. He figures that Jericho needs them and they can help him use it the right way for the right reasons. Titans Rumored to Be Casting Another Classic Team Member For Season 2. The others come back and Hank tells stories about when he was in school and resolved to never dance again. Slade claimed that he was doing risk assessment for an insurance company, and was never home. He finally screams at two policemen to stop, clutching at his scarred throat. Both Slade Wilson and his son Jericho form a strong emotional core, as viewers learn just how stained Dick Grayson's hands have become. She warns him that the Titans know about Slade, and tells Slade to fix it. Donna tells Jillian that it's not her fault, and Jillian refuses to run back to At the record store, a patron insults the clerk. Adeline asks Slade to go away so he can never hurt them again, and Slade promises to do so. After Jericho leaves his body, the patron stares at him in shock and quickly leaves. At the Tower, Dick tells Jericho that he thinks he should see Slade and Dick will stay out of it. His wife Adeline is waiting for him, and they kiss. She reminds him that he destroyed their lives, and she and Jericho made a live for themselves. One day, some time later, Slade arrives at his suburban home bearing flowers. Later at the closed-down Tower, Hank, Dawn, and Donna tell Dick that they're leaving. They ask Jericho to join them, and Dick explains that he contacted Jericho to get information about Slade from him. Adeline gives him the wrist band, tells him that it's his chance to make it right, and warns him that he won't get another chance before leaving.

It lands near Jericho, and Robin jumps forward as the grenade explodes, knocking him and Jericho down. Deathstroke's Son Jericho Finally Revealed in Titans Season 2. She explains that Jericho needs Dick's approval, and he didn't want to lie to Dick so he's telling him about the meeting. 'Titans' Season 2's explosive Episode 11 'E.L._.O.' Titans season 2, episode 8 review: Jericho. She searches the gallery and Deathstroke steps out of the shadows, drawing his sword. Outside an abandoned factory, Wintergreen goes over surveillance photos of the Titans with Slade. Donna throws a statue at him he deflects it. As Hank, Jericho/Hank dances and explains that once he makes contact with someone, he can "possess" them and control everything they say and do. At the gallery, Donna finds Jillian with several Amazons. "Jericho" is easily the strongest installment of Titans: Season 2, and a clear contender for the series' best episode overall. Slade tells Jericho that he'll never be like him, and that Jericho can never tell anyone what he can do. He gives Jericho his treasured wrist band as a gift and says that it kept him safe during battle, and it will keep Jericho safe as well. It premiered on October 25, 2019. As Deathstroke draws his sword to finish Robin off, Jericho lunges forward and takes the blow to the chest. Robin throws down a smoke grenade but Deathstroke is able to hear him and fires at him. Dick has an epiphany about Jericho, Beast Boy gets turned into a weapon, and the lost Titans begin to reunite in 'Titans' season 2, episode 11. Comment Share. Donna storms out, and Dick says that he'll tell Jericho. In response, Slade says that the men made a mistake and tells Adeline that they're going to leave. Now, Trigon succeeded in transforming Dick Dark, where he set off to win others in his favor by embracing their inner darkness that would increase his supernatural power. Ignoring her, Jericho leaves. Share 1 Comments. The series finally (if temporarily) sidesteps its recurring flaws by travelling back in time to focus on a smaller team roster and the origin of the Titans' rivalry with Deathstroke.

They both say that the other is a monster, and Slade tells Jericho to watch what happens to Titans. He apologizes to his son for missing his birthday, and when Jericho says that it's no biggie, Slade tells him that it is to him. 0.