If the elk were not there, the rainforest would become overgrown with bushes.Another animal, the wild salmon, is important to the environment. The tropical rainforest climate is hotter than that of the temperate rainforest. List of Animals in the Temperate Rainforests: Australia and New Zealand The vegetation here is fern and mosses, with many shrub varieties. Most of … Crossbills use their scissor-like beak to pry seeds from cones, while mule deer and red tree vole feed on young conifer needles. The Appalachian temperate rainforest is located in the southern Appalachian Mountains of the eastern U.S. About 351,500 square kilometers (135,000 square miles) of forest land is spread across southwestern Virginia, western North Carolina, the tip of South Carolina, northern Georgia, and eastern Tennessee.

The cool temperate rainforests occur in Victoria, Tasmania, and small areas at higher altitudes in New South Wales and Queensland. The large bird population includes ducks like the cinnamon teal and the red shoveler, geese like the kelp goose and Andean goose, and a variety of woodpeckers, owls, hawks, harriers and vultures.

Tasmania's cool temperate rainforest is home for mammals like the Tasmanian long-tailed mouse, ringtail possum, spotted tail quoll and pademelon. Over 250 species of birds live in the Olympic National Park in Washington, including woodpeckers, Stellar jays, gray jays, blue grouse, ruffed grouse, varied thrush, bald eagles, warblers, sparrows and kingfishers. Animals found here include the Magellanic woodpecker and the Juan Fernández firecrown hummingbird with its crown of color-changing feathers.

They feed mostly on fish, but will also eat other animals such as amphibians and turtles. Temperate rainforests are coniferous or broadleaf forests that occur in the temperate zone and receive heavy rainfall. The Pacific Northwest, British Columbia, and southeast Alaska are well-known for their rainforest-like conditions. The first sound you’ll hear in the temperate forest are the birds. Temperatures average between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Most of the wildlife live on or near the ground.One of the most important animals of all is the elk – also called the "landscape gardeners" because their foraging and trampling provide the balance that is necessary. The monito del monte, an arboreal marsupial, also lives here.Australia has two types of temperate rainforests. For the tropical Amazon rainforest, this image may be true, but a different type of rainforest, the temperate rainforest, holds different animal populations.