Jan 29, 2018 - Explore LoreneGlo's board "The Iron Islands asoiaf aesthetic", followed by 355 people on Pinterest. These are no ironmen, Victarion thought. After his first wife died in childbirth and his second wife died from the pox, Victarion Greyjoy wed an unnamed third woman, whom he considered a salt wife.In 297 AC, Victarion's new wife was seduced or raped by Victarion's elder brother, Euron, becoming pregnant with his child.Victarion beat her to death with his fists, sobbing each time he struck the sobbing woman. Euron is pale and handsome with black hair and a dark beard. After he murders the miller's boys and passes them off as Bran and Rickon to save face, all of his dreams turn into horrifying nightmares in which he is haunted by his guilt. after he distances from his Reek persona and starts reclaiming his identity. When he opened his hand, the man's limp body flopped to the deck. Roose suggests to Robb and Catelyn that, in the wake of Balon Greyjoy's death, whoever succeeds him to the Seastone Chair will want Theon dead as a rival claimant, and suggests they can demand concessions from the Ironborn as the price of executing TheonAfter getting the Ironmen at Moat Cailin to surrender to Ramsay, he gets a skin of wine and drinks until he throws up. In a chapter GRRM read for Balticon, Euron confirms that he indeed ordered Balon's death and seems regretful that he didn't do it personally. Even Asha is appalled. On the reread I realized how fucking awesome he is.The fisherman laughed aloud. It is widely believed by many, such as Asha, that he had murdered Balon, possibly using a Faceless Man. As Balon's son and heir, he would have been a valuable hostage for him to trade with Balon in return for securing the withdrawal of Ironborn forces from the North.Having proven his loyalty, "Reek" is sent on a mission by Ramsay, to secure the surrender of the Meanwhile, the Greyjoys face another major setback with the loss of Theon finally returns to Pyke and receives a cold reception from his sister Yara, who is still angry at him for spurning her rescue attempt at the Dreadfort, though her mood picks up when Theon pledges to support her claim to the Salt Throne.The ships of the Iron Fleet that Theon and Yara took after the kingsmoot are later seen sailing alongside the ships of Later, Princess Yara attends Queen Dany's war council at As Euron ferries the Golden Company to King's Landing, he tells his niece Yara who is imprisoned on the While the Iron Fleet docks at the port of King's Landing during the night, Theon and Yara's loyalists Although House Greyjoy did not maintain a standing army, they were the commanders of the Additional Houses sworn to House Greyjoy, yet to appear in the series, include: "He gave no fucks about telling his brother and king to go kill hinself.He vaulted over the gunwale, landing on the deck below with his golden cloak billowing behind him. See more ideas about Asoiaf, Aesthetic, Theon greyjoy.

Theon appeals to King Robb to send him on a mission to negotiate an alliance with his father, In retaliation, Theon murders two orphans and claims them as Bran and Rickon.Theon and his paltry garrison are besieged by a large Over a prolonged period, Theon Greyjoy is tortured and emasculated by Ramsay Snow.