I'll use version 1.3.72 which is the most recent at the time of writing, but feel free to find the most recent version using the command "sdk list kotlin".We can verify it's installed properly running the following command:Most of the resources I found when I was getting started were using an IDE to create your Java / Kotlin project and run it. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# Create a Pulsar client instance. No complex SDK is required. At the end of the installation, you need to either open a new terminal window or use the Now you can run the following command to make sure SDKMAN! We can use it to install Gradle. Once you've downloaded a Pulsar release, instructions on getting up and running with a standalone cluster that you can run on your laptop can be found in the Run Pulsar locally tutorial. needs to run. Although Pulsar functions can be written in many different programming languages, Java is the only language that can use all of the features available to Pulsar Functions at the time of writing. But getting started with Pulsar Functions when you know nothing about the Java development ecosystem can be quite challenging. It is designed to interoperate fully with Java. You can run the following command to list all available Java versions:I'll use the identifier "8.0.252-open", which corresponds to OpenJDK 8, a free and open-source implementation of the Java platform.When the installation is done you can verify if it's properly installed by running the following commands:Next, we will need to Kotlin compiler to compile our Kotlin code. I use Docker a lot so I prefer to have it start automatically. In a cluster we'll have:

Pulsar supports both publish-subscribe and queuing semantics and is … You can achieve this with the following command:Restart your computer to have your Docker daemon properly started and your group membership re-evaluated.We also need a Java JDK to build and run our code. If the topic does not exist, it will be# try and receive messages with a timeout of 10 seconds# Acknowledge processing of message so that it can be deleted In this post, I'll try to get you started, giving explanations about the tools we need, why we need them, and how to use them.

can also install it. If you want to learn more about Apache Pulsar features, concepts, and architecture, head over to their dedicated One of the most interesting features is Pulsar Functions.