She knew that Arthur was in love with Merlin just as much as Merlin was in love with Arthur. He grabbed a few objects that he doesn't remember seeing. "Merlins brows lightly narrowed. "Arthur blinked in confusion. They rode back into the forest to pick up the loving gestures they left behind.

His eyes trailed to Gwen who smirked and rubbed her hand up and down Arthurs chest.Merlins eyes shut and his body started convulsing. It felt nice being held, but Merlin was not okay with this. Merlin worried.There was a small clearing among the trees and that is where they stopped.

Story But like the rest she was sent home.

"Arthur glared back down at her. He followed his King back too the horses. The young man asked still shocked. "Merlin, watch..." He turned just time time to see Merlin suddenly stiffen and his eyes turn gold once more. "Um, Arthur where is my horse? ""Acceptance spell... You accept that you love someone." "You better hope I heard you wrong. "Excuse me? Are you sure you're feeling okay?"

If it was a first sight spell. The King sat at the table and ate while reading the letters. It has been 4 months sense Guinevere has betrayer King Arthur, and still Arthur was heart broken. You don't love me. Then Merlin comes and says he saw Gwen with two knights in the dungeons of Camelot, Arthur didnt believe Merlin thinking he was just trying to break the marriage. He slowly walked up behind his servant, turned him around and starred into his eyes. "Love is a silly thing isn't it Merlin. ""What are your plans for the day?"

"I know. Merlin rushed over too his uneasy King. I mean, are you sure you wont be embarrassed? She told Arthur again and again that she knew he was in love with Merlin but he wouldn't admit it. In his room was there anything out of place?

""Merlin, enough of this. He said low.Gwen glared at Arthur. "I love you. "Married Arthur I can't be with you when you're with someone else." Arthur grunted while getting out of bed. ""This morning. I'm your servant." Merlin admits. I woke him up an when he was dressing he said I have amazing eyes. "He's heavier then he looks. ""It wasn't a spell. ""What do you know?" You were convinced that I was your love. ""Sort of, but it doesn't matter now." Merlin grabbed Arthur's attire from the wardrobe and stood in front of the king. You dont want to kill me. "Wow, my head is pounding. Merlin turned around with a chuckle on his lips but stopped to see Arthur was staring at him.
I have something else planned." "Merlin froze on the spot and stared hurt at the one he loved. Arthur held him close while he told Merlin everything he was feeling towards him. "I love you too, Arthur." You're not in love with me. ""Yes, many times. "Well, I was going too clean your armor, wash your sheets, get rid of that pile of laundry in your corner. "Morning came, Arthur slept in his bed with his covers almost hanging off of the bed.

""No, you heard me correctly."