They are most popular as bait among kingfish fishermen. It's not uncommon to have a jumbo, live pinfish ignored, then drop a small one down and hook a 12-pound scamp. Without a doubt, Sardines are the best all-around bait for grouper. Successful grouper anglers tailor their rigs and baits to the conditions, and around the Florida coastline, that means widely differing depths, bottom type and currents. We will also use a heavy slip sinker and circle hook as well. To find them, target the subtle dips in the bottom. You will also need to go hard on them and keep your attention on the target always.

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Squid can also be caught easily or bought at local bait shops at very affordable rates.Who does not love to devour sardines: those shiny, oily and lovely sea creatures that make absolutely stunning and tasty meals. Never thought the record would be in the 40's or even 50's. We aren't interested...anyone have the location of the bait boat outside the pass? yep world record yellow edge is 46 pounds, sorry, that one in the picture looks no where near 55 pounds, maybe 30 lbs, we killed one about a month ago and he was 34 lbs and he was a stud weighed on ifga scale,still that is one hell of a catch, good job!

They are especially great for luring groupers out of their hideouts, and into your trap. Anglers absolutely adore using squid to catch red groupers, and they always cut the squid into four parts when they find themselves in apparent grouper habitats. This one had a … How far out do you guys go that have success consistently chumming up black snappers? Thanks for any help!I just wanted to make sure I was reading the NOAA website correct. We have a family vacation planned at DI in mid August and my brother and I are interested in an offshore trip.

This fish tastes fantastic when baked, broiled, fried, or made into chowder. SNOWY GROUPER Groupers like to just engulf them because they are predatory giants with huge mouths. Many areas of the Gulf bottom are lined with ledges and rock. Lesson learned, check the record books. I use spinning when I believe that I’ll be casting baits to fish… the setup in this video is what I often use for casting to tarpon.

Scamp Grouper are just as partial to jigs as live or dead bait.

Scamps as well as a very close relative, the Yellow Mouth Grouper, may be targeted specifically by species and a generous bag limit will allow you to make sure that you have some great eating when you get home. With that said, you should know that the next time you go in to catch your much-coveted groupers, you will need specialized and easy-to-get equipment. My grandmother is on me about bringing her in some scamp!Small pinfish on 2 drop rigs, look for structure in 180-220ft of waterAre they more concentrated in deeper water in that range?As skiffman99 said, small pin fish are great bait for scamp in 180' of water.