'It's all taken a lot out of him but he's still got that indefatigable spirit. Pictured: Boris Johnson and Carrie Symonds speaking with the midwifes on zoom that helped deliver their son'No one goes near his domestic stresses and strains,' says a source, 'but reports that the children are refusing to speak to their father or meet Carrie are not right. 'Most nights he likes to be in bed by 11pm. Where had he been? Premierminister Boris Johnson hat sich für einen Deal ähnlich dem Abkommen der EU mit Kanada („CETA“) ausgesprochen. For more details of these cookies and how to disable them, see our

Who's in and who's out is always a subject of abiding fascination but ultimately it relies on one thing: trust. To him it is all politics and family.So the hardest part of all the tribulations to befall him was the rift that opened up with four of his children in the aftermath of his divorce from their mother Marina and their deep upset when they learned her replacement, It means that when historians come to reflect on the Boris premiership and the upheavals of this first calendar year, they might easily overlook the significance of the most affecting and least publicised event of all — the rapprochement between the Prime Minister and his children.For all the bonhomie, witty one-liners and wisecracking, Boris is essentially a loner with few close friends.

'He is not following a diet,' we are told, 'but he is cutting out snacking and eating more healthily with fish, chicken and salads featuring.

'He's been knocked for six, had to deal with the biggest crisis since the war, become a father again and delivered a big election win. Boris is happy with that. So he talks about a 'world-beating' NHS Covid app. The 2020 Boris is a very different person. He is not yet ready to take up spontaneous pursuits such as wild-water swimming, which he did while Foreign Secretary and had the use of Chevening in Kent where there is a lake in the grounds.
We are no longer accepting comments on this article.Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media GroupTikTok scrambles to find a buyer for its US arm to placate Trump after he threatened to ban the Chinese app as it's defiant manager says 'we're not planning on going anywhere' and 'stand with TikTok''We're not close': Nancy Pelosi and Trump officials fail to agree on a coronavirus bill deal that could send $3,400 to desperate American families and decide to restart talks on MONDAY  Southwest United States issues an 'excessive heat warning' as several cities in Arizona, Nevada and California prepare for temperatures to hit 120fKamala Harris says she will let former top aide in California AG's office break her mysterious $35K non-disclosure agreement from 2011 as Joe Biden prepares to pick his VP candidate next weekUkraine impeachment whistleblower Lt. 'He was determined to show the public that the only way Brexit was going to happen was if his authority was paramount. But few of us will complain if it prevents any new and devastating surge in the spread of the virus.But it is all a bit confusing. There is a big difference and it shows.
'There's colour in his cheeks and more of the old energy and enthusiasm is back,' says a source.Like two other recent prime ministers — Blair (pictured) and Cameron — he is also having to juggle running the country with the demands of fatherhoodLike two other recent prime ministers — Blair and Cameron — he is also having to juggle running the country with the demands of fatherhood. It's normally just after 6 am and you realise the boss is working,' says one adviser. 'Rather than being buffeted by events as predecessors such as Mrs May, Gordon Brown and John Major were, Mr Johnson is sticking to his purposeOne minister told us: 'There have been a number of times when I have been waiting outside his office to see him and there was no sign of him. 'Along with the cheese ban there is also a fitness regime.

The routine is in contrast to David Cameron, who had dinner with his family and would rise early to do the boxes on the kitchen table the following morning.Boris has already been up for an hour when he gets to his desk at 6 am and starts sending WhatsApp messages to ministers and senior advisers. The high-risk move to expel them provoked the resignation of one Cabinet minister, Amber Rudd, and might have triggered more.At one key point he told several of his advisers: 'I write books about history and am conscious that I could go down in history as the shortest-serving Prime Minister of modern times.

But that's all stopped and we have Carrie to thank for that.

Boris Johnson's claim ping-pong was originally a Victorian English invention called whiff-whaff has been attacked by the descendants of the world's oldest sporting and games manufacturer.

'His first serve is good but the second is a bit like a girl's,' says one recent partner.He is also swimming in the heated indoor pool.