I would have considered it a blessing to have passed out, but no such luck for me!

There is a knot there and it had dry peeling skin where the barb had entered. The pain took five seconds to make me fall to the ground. The doctor will recommend over-the-counter (OTC) drugs to relieve pain, and decrease redness and inflammation from the catfish sting.Jellyfish are a type of gelatinous, invertebrate marine animal that is free-swimming, non-aggressive, and is surrounded by tentacles. My bait bucket was half full when I caught a catfish. …

I got a ninor stab in my foot from a knife what do i do. A barb went into the top of my foot and I was able to pull it out. I lay on the ground several minutes after being stabbed by the fish. The pain was so intense that I had three blackouts.

There is a venom gland at the base of the spine and a membrane-like sheath that covers the entire sting mechanism. I was afraid to move that I may scare them into a frenzy of murder.I got stung by a catfish about 2 weeks ago. I am going to the doctor to see about an antibiotic.For all that have been stung by a catfish, rub the belly on the wound and the pain will subside immediately.A catfish stung my father on his knee, it has been three days without treatment, and my father is having so much pain in his knee. southern eagle ray, Myliobatis australis. I didn't even think I could do that move anymore.

I finally broke down with the constant, horrible pain. I followed the guidelines to alleviate the sting. I was stabbed in my hand with a catfish spine what should I do to relieve the pain?

The area between my knuckles feels fine, side of my finger still has a small red lump that’s bothering me.Sunday June 2, 2019 I was fishing with my family and I stepped back into a family member’s line who was trying to get the hard head catfish off his hook. I was crying and holding my finger, rocking to and fro. The doctor said if I waited much longer for treatment, I might not have made it.I am typing this while going through my first encounter. Do so quickly.Your recommendation depends on quality and exact location of abnormalities on X-ray.

... Xray revealed loss of lordosis in cervical spine, symptoms are severe sudden neck pain/headache, numbness in right arm (elbow to pinky), regular upper back pain for years. How to avoid a catfish sting.

The pain came in about four to five series of bad pain. I’m 40 by the way.

Hot water helped the pain!I stepped on a hardhead catfish at the beach and the fin got stuck in my foot. My hand felt hot and the pain hit me instantly. The pain was totally disproportionate to the injury. Photo courtesy NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service.

The hole is so tiny I can't believe it caused this much trouble.The hardhead catfish has a very painful but not deadly toxin in its dorsal and each pectoral fin. It’s like being stabbed with a ballpoint pen and a pencil. It eventually lessoned after a couple of hours but the wound does not seem to want to go away on its own.

I think part of the barb must still be in there but it’s so sore I’m having trouble figuring that out. I peeled the skin back and squeezed the knot; blood and pus came out of the infected area.

I paddled out from the bridge of west jetty just past the rocks to catch some bait fish with the hopes of catching some cobia shortly after.

eMedicineHealth does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

The x-rays showed up ok, but I ended up getting a shot in my behind, with antibiotics to boot for 10 days.

Unfortunately we forgot a cutting board so I used a chest high branch on a tree, it was a decent width and worked well. My finger is swollen, movement impaired, and can’t bend it without pain.

Stupidly, I dug the toe of my shoe into the sand under the baby and attempted to kick it back into the water. I caught a small catfish about 6 inches long. When I held it to take out the hook, I have no idea what stabbed me but the pain was intense; 1000 times the pain! Catfish are often found in muddy rivers or lakes and along the beaches in tropical and temperate waters. 1 doctor answer.

We use cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics purposes.Have a visit to emergnecy room to evaluate for infection or sever allergy. eMedicineHealth does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It’s been 2 weeks and I still have pain, burning, swelling and itching in my finger. I wonder if I need to see a doctor to make sure we got all of the fin out.I had a channel catfish imbed its pectoral fin about an inch deep into the side of my index finger today. After 12 days the doctor opened the wound that was still oozing pus and cleaned it out and then flushed it with a saline solution. The condition is often associated with unbearable pain.

It’s been 5 hours and the swelling isn’t bad, pain is there, and I’m now treating wound for infection.This was a very small, maybe a 5 inch docile catfish.

The severe pain lasted a good hour and a half. Hope I don't get an infection, and after reading these, I think I'll go to the doctor.I had the misfortune to be speared by two barbs of a hardhead catfish on the pad of my left thumb and the palm of my hand, when I got distracted and let it fall on my hand.