C-level execs are transparent, honest and approachable.

Second, Cherwell's senior management is support and receptive and provides the support to make their employees successful

We all know there is a lot of room for improvement, but every person at Cherwell is working to improve our products every day of the week.” – “I like working at Cherwell because I believe in the company and the product but mostly because of the wonderful people that I am lucky to work alongside and learn from every day. The people at Cherwell have made my transition into software very easy,” says Kelly Webster, Senior Executive Assistant. We’ve also got a new brand identity, and we’re excited to share it with you. I didn’t know much about the software industry, but everyone is so friendly and helpful.
Everyone has been so welcoming and eager to help thus far; it really does feel like family here regardless of the work,” says Michael Euperio, Director of Technology Alliances.

Humor creates an upbeat atmosphere that encourages interaction, brainstorming of new ideas, and a fun environment…which is especially helpful since we’re spending a majority of our waking hours at work!”  “I appreciate Cherwell leading the way in not only allowing, but encouraging, employees to work remotely.

I cannot wait to see how our future unfolds,” says Ian Cole, SaaS Team Manager. Whether addressing customer needs and desires, demonstrating a determination to solve problems, or making a commitment to tell the truth, smarter service is what transforms functional teams into phenomenal ones.Cherwell was founded on the notion that service comes first. As a result, you’ll reduce risk and improve compliance while making your service desk more powerful and secure than ever.Right now is an especially exciting time to be at Cherwell. It has been a very long time since I worked with like minded professionals who do not get caught up on what their "job" is. They sacked quite a number of great employees out of the blue. Glassdoor will not work properly unless browser cookie support is enabled. HONESTY: ...lol This was huge for me because my team aligns directly to those goals. It helps you make better decisions about which projects to execute and gain improved visibility into resource utilization and project status.Cherwell's Information Security Management Solution (ISMS) provides enterprise security management capabilities—such as risk and compliance management and incident request management—on top of the Cherwell® Service Platform, addressing the demands of both security and service desk leaders. Manager and VP are 2 of the best leaders I have ever had the opportunity to work for. Cherwell HR Service Management enables organizations to streamline and automate HR service delivery for quick and efficient case management and on-boarding, along with a self-service portal for better and more productive employee service experiences.Cherwell's Facilities Management solution enables facilities teams to meet the needs of the business by automating workflows related to day-to-day work orders, work assignments, maintenance tasks, and facilities-related projects.