A desert is a barren area of landscape where little precipitation occurs and, consequently, living conditions are hostile for plant and animal life.

In the desert areas there are wide ranges of temperature throughout the day and night. Each desert is different in some way, but they all have one thing in com­mon. Among the most common are lobsters, moths, beetles, ants and spiders. However, the literal meaning of desert (Desertus- latin word) is waste but the truth is a desert ecosystem is a significant part of the earth like other ecosystems. Desert Ecosystem. There are different species of mammals of varying sizes and characteristics.

Most of these are excavators, capacity that allows them to escape from the high temperatures during the day and leave during the night to feed. It is one of the parts of the terrestrial ecosystem. These characteristics make them difficult to inhabit. There are four types of deserts in this biome - hot and dry, semiarid, coastal, and cold. Due to these unique characteristics, the ecosystems that develop in these zones are quite particular. This is the reason deserts experience sandstorms/ dust storms of high intensity resulting in the formation of huge sand dunes.Due to less rainfall, there is a shortage of water in a desert ecosystem. These insects are responsible for the pollination necessary for the reproduction of the cassava plant. Earth is the only planet where life is possible and comprises of an atmosphere, ecosystem and various land formations that are necessary for the survival.

Temperature is not as extreme as a hot and dry desert ecosystem. The latter, for example, obtain water from the blood of their prey. The deserts are territories that are characterized by an arid and dry environment, caused by the scarcity of rain.

Deserts receive less than 25 centimeters of rain per year and this value is often variable, so it can sometimes be even lower. For example, there are areas of the Sahara desert that spend years without receiving a single drop of rain.

The plants and animals have adapted to survive in the harsh and extreme conditions of the desert.Density Is very low in deserts and nearby areas as there is there a scarcity of water, food and climatic conditioner are too harsh.In this ecosystem that includes basically vegetation’s with spines like cacti that can easily survive in such conditions.Desert ecosystems do not exist only in hot and dry areas of the earth.

Within this category, of course, camels are included. Within the desert serpents are the rattlesnake, the snake, the king's snake and the snake hognose.

Aridity simply implies the deficiency of moisture’s or dryness. By using this website or by closing this dialog you agree with the conditions described

Earth Reminder must be our topmost priority because the resources which we are using today will not be there tomorrow.

The desert biome covers about one-fifth of Earth’s surface.

Read on to find out about this, and all the other key types of desert ecosystems.