Sabrina Geremia, vice president and Canada country manager of Google Canada, who joined the advisory board, added that creating digital literacy among Canadians is not just about technical skills. This report explores what we know, and what we need to know, about the nature of Canada’s gig economy and the experiences of its workers.© Copyright 2020 – Future Skills Centre / Centre des Competences futuresWelcome to the Future Skills Centre. One FSC pilot project uses VR to help truck drivers get better training for their jobs; autonomous cars are set to have a major impact on jobs in this industry. The Future Skills Centre (FSC) and OTEC today announced a rapid response project for the hundreds of thousands tourism and hospitality workers who have lost their jobs because of the COVID …

“I think that the future unicorn will have a good mix of left brain and right brain smarts.”By March 2020, the Centre expects to have 40 pilot projects moving forward, and next year hopes to launch digital tools so people can see what best practices FSC has determined for upskilling workers.

The federal government announced the launch of the FSC in February, which is being funded with $225 million over five years and $75 million thereafter. Future Skills includes a focus on addressing the needs of disadvantaged and under‑represented groups, such as Indigenous people, persons with disabilities, low-income workers, newcomers to Canada and youth. A new report released by The Conference Board of Canada indicates that nearly one in five Canadian employees are in occupations at high risk of automation with few or on no options to transition into lower-risk occupations without significant retraining.Funding for innovation in skills development part of rapid response to aid those most affected by COVID-19 crisis Research call on the future of skills and work in a digital economy. Future Skills Centre – Centre des Compétences futures today announces a $7.65 million investment for ten new innovation projects that will help identify the best training opportunities for mid-career workers. 17 new board members have joined in total.Speaking exclusively to BetaKit, FSC executive director Pedro Barata said that the advisors were chosen because they have insight into changing traditional business models with technology, and have perspective on populations that would be most affected by changes in the workforce, such as Indigenous communities, women, newcomers, and Canadians in rural communities. A Future Skills Centre An independent research centre that develops, tests and measures new approaches to skills assessment and development. The Future Skills Centre (FSC) has announced a new advisory board to help it get insight into best practices for 2020. Research on developing social and emotional skills will also be an important focus for the Centre moving forward, Barata said. © 2012-2019 BetaKit Incorporated.

research. OTEC Announcement: Future Skills Centre Project 4/2/2019 OTEC is proud to be selected for one of the inaugural projects of the Future Skills Centre in partnership with MaRS Discovery District and First Work. We have earmarked $15 million for proposals, and the deadline for submissions is September 1, 2020.We’re greenlighting 30 projects as part of a $37-million investment into community-based programs focused on the needs of diverse Canadian workers and employers by exploring innovative approaches to training for emerging and in-demand skills.

“Part of it is how to enable better transitions in terms of Canadians that are facing any labour market disruption, and how to transition into the world of future jobs and skills that they need.” While there are no current plans for the companies that advisors represent to participate directly in pilot projects, Poulos said that it could be a possibility in the future if one of the members finds a fit.“The future unicorn will have a good mix of left brain and right brain smarts.”Asked how the Centre will effectively work with mid-career Canadians that aren’t trained or interested in technology already, Barata said the Centre’s work also helps with immediate needs.