We recommend practicing both. The Booyah Super Shad is the best Muskie lure in the market. The proper way to use muskie lures that have adjustable parts is to test them out first, before you go out fishing. Bucktails come with various size blades, but some of the most popular and effective ones have double 9 and double 10 blades. Catching muskies consistently requires a knowledge of several factors Yes, they are a pain in the butt; yes, some Suicks are better than others, but this is just what comes with the territory. That means the rod, the reel, the line, the knot you tie, the swivels, the musky baits, the leader, the net, and the boat you are using, which are all contributing factors to whether you will be successful or not. My team and I are passionate about musky fishing and love sharing everything we know and learn about the sport. It is therefore a must have commodity for any serious fisherman out there.Are you “that” serious fisherman, the get yourself the Booyah Super Shad and improve your fishing fortunes.Catching big fish is difficult. Free Download If you are the kind of musky angler that is willing to spend time developing retrieves, this lure is for you. Make sure it is performing how it should be, and that only comes with practice and knowledge that you will gain here.With the Suick Musky Thriller, we recommend making a slight upside down v-shape with the metal tail.

It is similar in action to the above mentioned Bill Norman lure, but it’s smaller size is often the key to triggering strikes in the spring and strikes for muskies who are less cooperative.The Heddon Hellbender is still being made but its diminutive profile doesn’t catch many eyes in the tackle aisle. On the extreme low end, cheap musky lures can be had for $4-$5. It price is very low making it very affordable whatever the … Only downside to this lure is they get chewed up fairly quickly or if you lose the tail, not as effective. The truth is, squid baits have proven to be extremely effective, even for freshwater fish.The Chasebaits Ultimate Squid is by far the most realistic looking and life-like squid baits we have ever seen. This manner of retrieve, with the rise and fall action of the bait, resembles an injured or dying baitfish. It has an erratic and unique action which triggers musky strikes from fish that have been presented with everything.While it is similar to the Mepps bucktail mentioned earlier, it does differ in several ways. A $100 custom lure won’t catch you any more fish than a $15 lure. This all-metal jig still has some tricks up its metal sleeves. All these make the Spro Bucktail Jig-Pack of 1 one of the best lures for

The Bill Norman DR2 is what I would consider being a classic southern musky lure.This lure has been a family favorite long before Melton Hill and Cave Run Lake were known to the musky world.Rip it, twitch it, or straight retrieve, it doesn’t matter just get it wet.These smaller musky lures are getting a little harder to find on the used market, but keep a keen eye out for a flea market or yard sale tackle steal; you can land some killer musky lures for pennies on the dollar. It can be cast or trolled and has heavy-duty hardware capable of standing up to aggressive strikes. This is not to say that a muskie will not strike at any live bait presentation, but they will strike more frequently to natural bait found in the lake that you are fishing in.Yes they work, and there are many different hooks, live bait musky rigs, and techniques of how to apply them to the end of your line.

The 10 musky lures presented here include some oldies but goodies, some musky lures that have just been forgotten, and some musky lures that have always been considered sleepers.