She sounds insecure and will be manipulative as she is now. I keep telling myself that with my bf.

that his daughter connecting those two people nothing else. If you have discussed your feelings about this, and he still does it. Well I'm glad he's glad, but his ex wife causes trouble. This way of thinking can seriously endanger your current relationship. After all, you're the one who's in a happy relationship! They have a daughter together, so I understand that some of the crap she pulls he needs to be civil in the best intrest of their child. Of course she's using the baby to get him to come over. I did not tear him down, I didn't bash him in front of his kids...but i wanted him to know that I could make it without him. You deserve better. I guess I know deep down what's probably going to end up happening. Ever. For more information about Nathan Feiles’s work, including a complete list of services, please visit his website at Psych Central does not provide medical or psychological He says it's all for his daughter. I have 3 kids from a previous marriage. It’s important for the children to know that you’re a safe and supportive person, but that they have their parents already in place.
He does it to avoid conflict with her!
I don't have the answers either My boyfriends ex wife is ruining my relationship with him Scared. make sureIt's Healthy for the daughter to be exposed to her Dad and real Mom if she knows it is actually her real mom. And it hurt like hell.

Let him know what you will accept and what you won't accept. But it'll be just to much if he's over at his ex wife's everyday to see her. You need to be real honest with your guy, put it all on the table. That just isn't right is it? Ask him, does he want her to be his wife or you? If she is unable to support her daughter, herself, if she's that unstable, then he needs to fight to get custody of his daughter. He's gonna have to take her to court. He's scared to make her mad bc he's scared she won't let him see his daughter when he wants. He just wasn't setting boundaries with the ex out of fear that she wouldn't let him see his son, but regardless, she's doing that anyways. Try to ignore what you think the ex's intentions are, instead think how cool it is that your also being included at the porch building project, could be worse you could not be allowed on her property. He has told her to make other arrangements and he could stay every other night for a week.. which I still think is wrong.

Because I can't and won't stand back and watch him continue to what seems as if he's catering to his ex wife. How would he feel if you started calling your ex, and asking him to help you with this and help you with that....When you love someone it is hard, super hard...believe me I know...but love yourself and your kids more. his relationship with his daughter should not be based upon his relationship with his ex. Anyway she's moving back up here.

And the custody arrangement is a week and a week. I need some advice and feedback please.

he should not be giving her personal money to do things like build a porch, this is not a necessity for any child. November 12, 2017 by Harris O'Malley Leave a Comment Its 15 years!!! My boyfriends ex wife is trying to ruin our relationship. Can you live with that?