There are lots of things in Myanmar are still the mystery to regular travelers. 54,589,000 Population rank (2018) 25 Population projection 2030 58,851,000 Total area (sq mi) 261,219 Total area (sq km) 676,533 Density: persons per sq mi (2018) 206.7 Density: persons per sq km Other estimates put place the total population at around 60 million. The Provisional results of the 2014 census show that the total population of Myanmar is 51,419,420—a population well below the official estimates of more than 60 million.The provisional census results indicated that there were 10,889,348 households in Myanmar. With over 60 million population from 135 tribes, Myanmar really is the diversified culture a multi-religious country. Demographics of Myanmar 2019. At the time of the 1983 census in Burma, as of 31 March 1983, the population was 35,442,972. The religion contains four noble truths which include suffering. In Vatican City and the Pitcairn Islands, 100% of the population is Christian. Myanmar (Burmese) Official religion none 6 Monetary unit Myanmar kyat (K) Population (2019 est.) In other nations, at least 93% of the population is Christian. Myanmar is the 26th most populous country in the world, and the 40th largest country by area, with a 2019 estimated population of 54.34 million. As of July 2012 , this was estimated by the CIA World Factbook to have increased to 60,584,650. Sometimes known as Burma, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar - which is often shortened to Myanmar, is a sovereign state in Southeast Asia. As of 1 January 2020, the population of Myanmar was estimated to be 55,901,121 people. At the time of the 1983 census in Burma, as of 31 March 1983, the population was 35,442,972. Most of these estimates have indeed overlooked the demographic changes tha… In 1983, the fertility rate was 5 births per woman.

On average, 4.4 people lived in each household in the country. The religion began in India around 2,500 years ago when an Indian prince by the name Siddhartha Gautama left the prestigious life to wander as a poor man. Capital Naypyitaw Population (2010) 47,960,000 Annual population growth rate (2000-2010) 0.6% Population gain (2000-2010) 3,005,000 GDP per capita This is attributed to extreme delays in marriage (almost unparalleled in the region, with the exception of developed countries), the prevalence of illegal These patterns stem from several cultural and economic dynamics. There is no official state religion, but in practice Burmese people show preference for Buddhism. Other ethnic groups include the Mon (2%), Overseas Indians (2%) and the Kachin, Chin, Anglo-Indians, Nepali and Anglo-Burmese.The median age in Myanmar/Burma is 28.2 years of age, with a total life expectancy of approximately 68.2 years. His meditation made him reach a state free from world desires. The majority of Myanmar practices Theravada Buddhism, which they consider as a path to follow rather than a faith in the Western sense of religion. The rate of growth today is just under 1%, but that will likely decrease to near 0 by 2050. The birth rate in Myanmar, which has been declining as well, is 17.339 births per woman. The forecast population for 2020 is 54,808,276Myanmar has 676,578 square kilometers of surface area available within its boundaries. The average household size was highest in Kachin State and Chin State at 5.1. This is an increase of 0.82 % (454,111 people) compared to population …
China's People's Daily reported that Burma had a census in 2007, and at the end of 2009 has 59.2 million people, and growing at 2% annually. One of the reasons for the falling fertility rates and birth rates is the increasing number of unmarried women in addition to the increased access to contraception. Myanmar is the world's most religious Buddhist country in terms of money spent on religion and proportion of monks in the population, and it is estimated that around 89% of the population are Theravada Buddhists. Myanmar has maintained steady growth over the past century despite its battles both in ending British rule and with the ongoing civil wars. The fertility rate in Myanmar is 2.13 births per woman, which is high enough for population replacement (2.1 births per woman); however, it has been declining over the past several years, contributing to the slowing population growth rate. The census in 1983 occurred at a time when parts of the country were controlled by insurgent groups and inaccessible to the government. The lowest household sizes were observed in Ayeyawady Region, Burma has a low fertility rate (2.23 in 2011), slightly above The fertility rate is much pronouncedly lower in urban areas. The Bamar account for around 68% of the population, followed by the Shan (10%), Kayin (7%), Rakhine (4%) and overseas Chinese (3%).