calls are applied to operands (variables or values) to define the calculations

As you know, Pine Script is a series-oriented scripting language, where most of goals are achieved by converting series values with help of built-in functions. It will generate a different seed every time the script is first run in The function allows a range to be specified.
The following code creates a new series called In the previous example, we could determine the value to assign to the Let’s take a case where, while we are debugging code, we want to compare two variables that should always have the same value, but where one of the variables or both can have an na value. The example shows how it can be used multiple times to print lines using a different color for each:This code displays green or red squares corresponding to the two different states of four different conditions, and colors the background when they are either all true or all false:When building compound conditions that rely on the accuracy of multiple underlying conditions used as building blocks, you will usually want to confirm your code is correctly identifying the underlying conditions. Python comes with a number of special variables and methods whose name is preceeded and followed by __. Condition A is false because an input does not vary during the script's execution// Can lead to execution of either `if` block because:// uses *series* variables, so result changes bar to bar.// Guarantees execution of same `if` block on every bar because:// uses *simple* variable, so result does NOT change bar to bar// because it is known before the script executes and does not change.// Guarantees execution of same `if` block on every bar because:// uses *input* variable, so result does NOT change bar to bar// because it is known before the script execcutes and does not change.// Built-in used in 'if' blocks that is not part of the exception list,// and so will require forced evaluation on every bar prior to entry in 'if' statement.// (Condition B will be true when Condition A is also true)// Shielded against condition B because vwap is pre-evaluted.// NOT shielded against condition B because vwap is NOT pre-evaluted.// bgcolor(a == b ? This excludes expressions using values of literal, const, input or simple forms because they do not change during the script’s execution, and so when you use them, the same block in the if statement is guaranteed to execute on every bar. For example: pin = 12; will change the value of the variable to 12.

Answers often give code examples or link to the best sources on the subject.Do not make the mistake of assuming this is strictly beginner’s material; some of the questions and answers explore advanced techniques.To access the close of the previous bar’s close in Pine, use If you wanted to have a condition true when there were 7 or more up bars in the last 10, you could use:If you need to define up and down bars and want to account for all possibilities, make sure one of those definitions allows for the case where Most probably because you are trying to use a series integer instead of a simple integer as the second parameter (the length). As you know, Pine Script is a series-oriented scripting language, where most of goals are achieved by converting series values with help of built-in functions.
Value is propagated across bars.// Initialization at each bar.