A noun is a part of speech that names a person, place, thing, action, feeling or ideal. To find out more, see our Most plural forms are created by simply adding an -s or –es to the end of the singular word.

57 people chose this as the best definition of plural: Of, including, or consist... See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. See how we need an extra -s- to attach the -es plural ending.Words that end with an -f- often have an interesting spelling change when converted to a plural noun. Plural nouns have an "s" at the end of the word, or there is some other way of forming the plural. Want to learn more about the plural possessive noun and its role in grammar? A plural noun indicates that there is more than one of that noun (while a singular noun indicates that there is just one of the noun). More than one puppy would then become puppies. There are also exceptions to this rule too, such as pianos, halos, and photos.English also has irregular and strange nouns that do not really have rules or reasoning to their plural form. A type of noun; a word that can be used to refer to multiple persons, places, things, qualities, or ideas; one of the basic parts of speech in many languages, including English.The numerical value of Plural Noun in Chaldean Numerology is: The numerical value of Plural Noun in Pythagorean Numerology is: We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.Thanks for your vote! city – cities. Information and translations of Plural Noun in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Click the Most of the time, when a noun becomes plural, you simply add -s, -es, or -ies to the end of the main word.For instance, if you have more than one puppy, then you would add -ies to the end. 5 If a singular noun ends in ‑y and the letter before the -y is a consonant, change the ending to ‑ies to make the noun plural. Meaning of Plural Noun. Singular and Plural Nouns. This bundle contains 5 ready-to-use Plural Nouns worksheets that are perfect to test student knowledge and understanding of a plural noun which is a word that means there is more than one of something (a person, a place, idea or thing). A singular noun names only one person, place, thing, or idea. Not ready to purchase a subscription? An irregular noun is a noun whose plural does not conform to the typical English plural rule of adding -s or -es to the end of the word.

When talking about more than one kind of gas, the plural form is gasses. For instance, the word “gas” needs an extra letter when adding the plural ending.

For instance, the word foot is irregular. We also have words that do not change in their plural form. Plural Nouns . More than one foot becomes feet. Plural nouns show a quantity of more than one. Click to download the free sample version   This site uses cookies to improve your experience. ray – rays.

However, English has both regular and irregular plural nouns. For example, there’s one dog (singular), but three dogs (plural).

Plural Nouns Worksheets. The plural form of deer does not change from the singular. More than one tomato becomes tomatoes. You may often find that you drop the last letter when placing -ies to create a plural word.Sometimes, you may have to add extra consonants before attaching a plural ending.

See more. It does not matter if what is possessed is plural; what matters is that the noun doing the owning is plural. We truly appreciate your support.Get instant definitions for any word that hits you anywhere on the web!Get instant definitions for any word that hits you anywhere on the web! Nouns can take several forms. Often these words, which end in -f-, are changed to -ve before adding the pluring ending. Plural possessive nouns are used to show that a plural noun owns or possesses something. You can use these worksheets as-is, or edit them using Google Slides to make them more specific to your own student ability levels and curriculum standards.KidsKonnect is a growing library of high-quality, printable worksheets for teachers and homeschoolers.

For instance, tomato is a word that ends with the -o- vowel.

In some cases, it's hard to identify the plural noun because it has an irregular form. The same is true with the word fish.This bundle contains 5 ready-to-use Plural Nouns worksheets that are perfect to test student knowledge and understanding of a plural noun which is a word that means there is more than one of something (a person, a place, idea or thing).If you reference any of the content on this page on your own website, please use the code below to cite this page as the original source.These worksheets have been specifically designed for use with any international curriculum.

Possessive nouns show ownership. Plural nouns are easier to identify than the plural verbs. More than one goose becomes geese. Plural possessive nouns incorporate the concepts of ownership and "more than one." puppy – puppies. If you go into the woods, you may see a deer; however, you may also see more than one deer. There are a few exceptions to this rule, such as the words beliefs, chiefs, and roofs.For words that end in vowels, like an o, the plural ending is often -es.