Will suburban voters, particularly women, who sided with Trump in 2016 now vote for Biden? Sir, Biden would defund the police Please log in, or sign up for a new account and purchase a subscription, or activate your access, to continue reading.Please purchase a subscription, or activate your access, to continue reading.Your current subscription does not provide access to this content.Consumer warning: Before you get locked into a narrative about how the presidential election will unfold, consider what happened the other day in Maine and Alabama.Neither event was particularly remarkable or surprising. I try to be reasonable. The popularity of the parody cow account has prompted people to don cow suits outside the congressman’s events, which has cramped his style but not diminished his fund-raising.

Call 410-822-1500 to subscribe Barkan spoke of reducing the number of officers who respond to crimes. Gideon is by far the strongest challenger to Sen. Susan Collins, the Republican who angered many of her supporters by backing the two Trump Supreme Court nominees and voting to acquit the president in the impeachment trial.In Alabama, former Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville won the Republican primary against Jeff Sessions, the onetime judge, senator and Trump attorney general whom the president considers “mentally retarded” and “mixed up and confused.” Tuberville, who now faces Sen. Doug Jones, perhaps the most endangered Democrat in the Senate, had the support of the president and likely would be among Trump’s most loyal acolytes if he wins the seat in the Capitol.Now, let us acknowledge that these two states — with far different autumn prospects — have about as much in common as Norway and North Korea.

Liberal mayors have told cops to stand down as mostly white activists destroy predominantly black neighborhoods while chanting “Black lives matter.”The homicide rate for the first six months of 2020 is up 23% over 2019 in New York. Now he is suing a cow on twitter.

I am very disappointed in our local paper.great reports! Get an email notification whenever someone contributes to the discussion But the president did bring one silver lining for Los Angeles — an end to the frequent “How to get people out of cars, particularly in Los Angeles, has become an increasingly important focus. It is from his Checkers speech of 1952.It is a matter of conviction among political professionals that the economy is the principal issue for voters, which is why the James Carville mantra from the 1992 Bill Clinton campaign (“It’s the economy, stupid”) has gone from colorful phrase to revered orthodoxy. The The rise of labor in Los Angeles is relatively recent. read This week’s Democratic Party TV debates are something of an argument against holding such events at all. But how widely should that principle be applied?The erudite Vanderbilt University political scientist Larry Bartels has studied the role the economy generally plays in American elections and concluded, in a scholarly paper that this year’s political strategists likely missed, that “ordinary citizens are mostly uninterested in ideological manifestos and economic theories, and skeptical of assertions about which parties ‘historically have delivered for them.’” Instead, he argued, “They are much more attentive to ends than to means, and they tend to reward or punish incumbent governments based on simple assessments of immediate success or failure.”In modern times, parties controlling the White House generally lose about 25 seats in midterm elections. Yet, we have a candidate for the White House advocating for convicts and promising to direct funds away from cops.

Fox News anchor Harris Faulkner reported Monday on the forthcoming release of network poll results that show 81% of whites and 80% of Blacks hold law and order as a high priority.The “defund” and “eliminate” police movements began shortly after former Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin apparently murdered George Floyd 57 days ago.

More than 65 percent of ballots cast in November 2018 were All that means, don’t count on knowing the results of the primary on election night. The review turned up no plan to “defund” the police.Trump should have referred Wallace to a July 8 interview Biden conducted with Ady Barkan, a left-wing activist advocating sweeping police reforms.

Please log in, or sign up for a new account and purchase a subscription, or activate your access, to continue reading.Please purchase a subscription, or activate your access, to continue reading.Your current subscription does not provide access to this content.Indeed, Joe Biden wants to defund the police.

Gavin Newsom, whose presidential aspirations are a popular topic in Sacramento, is only the fifth Democrat elected to lead the state in modern times.) My feelings are mixed, as are my opinions. A year ago, I said Kathleen Sebelius was the Democrats’ only hope of competing for the U.S. Senate seat from Kansas. Just as Maine and Alabama posed vital questions, but didn’t answer them. The headlines are terribly misleading.