"Another said: "I wondered if Tyrion was a Targaryen when he was able to enter the crypt where they were being locked away and he wasn’t burnt to a crisp. Jaime would say to Brienne in the bath all those years later. "Mad King Aerys" is part of the Complete Guide to Westeros, a special feature from Game of Thrones: The Complete First Season. While Aerys's grandfather, King Aegon V Targaryen was against this incestuous marriage (as he had been against incestuous marriages for his own children), Jaehaerys was allowed to arrange it. Instilled with pride in himself and his family by his imperious father, Jaime chose to let himself be branded a "kingslayer" rather than explain himself to the judgmental likes of Ned Stark.So who else knows the truth? Tywin also questions Tyrion’s parentage. His wife Rhaella was murdered as well. After setting up the game board in the Season 8 premiere, On the face of it, Jaime's original sin — killing the Mad King — doesn't look good. King Aerys was killed by Kingslayer Jaime Lannister after being betrayed. Bran, presumably, since he has seen flashes of the "Burn them all!" Thoug… He was killed by Jaime Lannister. Jaeha… He is reported to kill men for pleasure, having sexual intercourse with his sisters, demanded to be worshiped as a living god, and caused a financial crisis and starvation with his extravagant lifestyle and building projects. Aerys was born to Prince Jaehaerys, the second son of King Aegon V, and his sister-wife, Princess Shaera. (Cersei certainly won't be any help, being both hundreds of miles away and also, you know, Daenerys has come to accept over the years that her father truly was the King Aerys II Targaryen, popularly known as the Mad King was the last Targaryen king, who was killed by a member of his own Kingsguard, Jaime Lannister during Robert’s Rebellion. They are the Mad King's children, and siblings to dead Prince Rhaegar.Aemon Targaryen became the Maester to the Night's Watch, and was not involved in the civil war as he was at Castle Black.He was uncle to Aerys and great uncle to Daenerys before dying peacefully at The Wall.He spent time with Jon but there is no way he could have known that they were related, sadly.After Viserys was murdered by the Dothraki, Daenerys was left the last surviving Targaryen - before the truth about Jon was revealed.Many fans believe the Night King’s symbol shares uncanny similarities to that of And once again, the familiar symbol was seen near the drawings of the White Walkers.As we all know, the Night King has a dragon in his army now and fans think this is another clue because the show's creators once claimed that "only a Targaryen can ride a dragon".Plus in the Battle of Winterfell, we discovered that he can't be killed by dragon fire either.But realistically, the Night King probably isn't a Targaryen in any way because he was created from one of the first men.In fact, the Targaryen's family line weren't thought to be anywhere near that area at that time in Game of Thrones history.The White Walkers were created a whole 6,000 years before the Targaryen conquest of Westoros!Viewers are convinced the character - played by Peter Dinklage - is the illegitimate son of Aerys “The Mad King” Targaryen.And they've taken to Twitter to make their feelings known.One wrote: "Can’t wait til they reveal that Tyrion is actually a Targaryen! What To hear Jaime tell it, his murder of the Mad King wasn't an act of betrayal — it was an act of heroism, one that has gone unacknowledged and unthanked for his entire life. Unbeknownst to anyone other than the Mad King, his pyromancers, and Jaime himself, Aerys had planted caches of wildfire in the tunnels and catacombs beneath King's Landing.When it became clear that Tywin had joined the Baratheon cause and arrived to sack the city, the Mad King demanded that Jaime go kill his father and bring him his head. For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click Comments are subject to our community guidelines, which can be viewed Daenerys believes she is destined to put Targaryens back on the Iron Throne because she is the 'last' true Targaryen However, Jon Snow has learnt that he is also a Targaryen and has shared the news with Dany The news doesn't sit well with Dany because that means Jon (aka Aegon) is the last male Targaryen Daenerys Targaryen's brother Viserys, who died in season 1 of Game of Thrones Maester Aemon was in the Night's Watch - but was also Daenerys' great uncle Fans think the Night King might have a link to the Targaryen familySeason 8 Episode 4 preview of Game of Thrones shows Cersei and Euron readying their troops for the war for the Iron Throne

3. And probably Cersei, since she and Jaime share everything. But will the word of Sansa's sworn sword and a freaky psychic kid be enough to save Jaime from Daenerys' wrath? It is narrated by Mark Addy as King Robert Baratheon, Donald Sumpter as Maester Luwin, and Charles Dance as Lord Tywin Lannister. He was able to speak to the dragons and they understood him.