Seriously, the tech BS truly shoots this otherwise great movie down in flames. 19 out of 41 found this helpful. The fastest downloads at the smallest size. The movie will also cause you to contemplate many things once the movie has ended. Pointless in the extreme. There are lots of unnecessary explosions to excite the simple-minded: a helicopter gets shot down by a missile, plenty of cars explode, things bang into skyscrapers and cause fear and panic. Teasing apart actual swim speed from water speed is difficult.Perhaps the popularity of the high-speed myth largely rests on the fact that swordfish and other large predatory fish have an anatomy and physiology that seems to suit high speeds.But that raises an obvious question. Instead, in the world of Swordfish Might Makes Right, and any terrorist attacks on Americans are 'rightly' avenged on an innocent civilian population. The ending and the villains motives will shock you! They measured how quickly the muscles midway down each animal's body could twitch in response to an electrical stimulus. The matrix has set a new standard when it comes to the action genra and i think we are going to see alot more of matrix inspired action scenes.

The long bill of the Swordfish allows it to slice at its prey. And the writer obviously never heard of the saying 'patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel'.

Swordfish are elongated, round-bodied, and lose all teeth and scales by adulthood. When the DEA shut down its dummy corporation operation codenamed SWORDFISH in 1986, they had generated $400 million which they let sit around; fifteen years of compound interest has swelled it to $9.5 billion. A covert counter-terrorist unit called Black Cell led by Gabriel Shear wants the money to help finance their war against international terrorism, but it's all locked away. From IMDb's summary:. He brings in convicted hacker Stanley Jobson, who only wants to see his daughter Holly again but can't afford the legal fees, to slice into the government mainframes and get the money.Rated R for violence, language and some sexuality/nudity There are a lot more reasons to see "Swordfish" than Halle Berry's bare breasts.

Was this review helpful? Just don't say it again, please!!! Add some excessive CGI which diminishes rather than enhances the spectacle, some really bad one-liners and an unfortunate penchant for ridiculous sub-Tarantino monologues about movies (geek country - would any rogue superspy REALLY spend his time thinking about the difference between Hollywood movies and real life? In fact these predatory fish max out at speeds far below these record figures.Still, swordfish and their kin certainly look like they have evolved for speed.

4 of 4 people found this review helpful. The fact that all these innocents are considered as pawns by the filmmakers, not even given a shred of individuality or humanity, just shows how utterly immoral and dishonest the whole enterprise is. If the screenwriter had written one more dialogue scene stating that fact, I would have screamed!! 102 out of 144 found this helpful. Wowzer! For you action movie buffs out there, Swordfish has enough great action to rival the Action Masters Arnold and James Cameron in, say, True Lies or Bruce Willis in the first Die Hard. The screenplay was written by Skip Woods. A covert counter-terrorist unit called Black Cell, headed by the duplicitious and suave Gabriel Shear, wants the money to help finance their raise-the-stakes vengeance war against international … The filmmakers claim to have created complicated characters...who is good and who is bad...but the film was so poorly written that I doubt that the actors even knew what their character's motivations were. Directed by Dominic Sena. 52 out of 80 found this helpful. a list of 123 titles Stanley (Hugh Jackman) goes out back to ask Ginger (Halle Berry) if he can borrow her car, only to catch Ginger sunbathing topless. Apart from this moral point of view which will play really badly outside of the US (but then, who cares about the population of 5 other continents, right? The Emmy noms are in! You need to pay attention to this movie to fully understand the plot. If IMDB had negative numbers for voting, I'd give this movie a -5 stars. The film was not produced with an eye to my demographic, so I did not like it as much as some people may have.Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Was this review helpful? They do the best they can to injure it so that they are able to catch it.