A little salt can be added to their water to aid in disease prevention.These fish do a great job keeping the bottom cleaned of food and debris, making them little living vacuums. Properly clean or quarantine anything that you add to an established tank so not to add new diseases to the tank.
Ideal tankmates include Alestiid tetras, robust cichlids (particularly West African species), Mormyrids, Knifefish, Gouramis and larger rasboras and barbs.This fish tends to become slightly territorial as it matures, especially towards other Synodontis catfish. Re: Humanely & effectively kill catfish before cleaning? Provide a setup with many hiding places as they will spend much of their time hidden under driftwood or in caves during the day. Throw it away, and you’ve lost a significant percentage of your catch. %PDF-1.2 %���� HAWL. Head wide and flat; Body dark in color; Tail not forked; State Record 83 lb. Basically, you make a small slit over the soft spot on their head between their eyes. Driftwood is very necessary to these fish, it not only acts as a hiding place but it will also be chewed on it and they get some nutrition out of it.Floating vegetation on the surface will help reduce the amount of light, which will also be appreciated. The large spot variety is usually thought to be the most attractive of the color forms, and though it used to be quite rare it is now fairly common.Synodontis catfishes are members of the Mochicidae family. The characteristic to look for when comparing with other similar spotted species is the adipose fin (small fin located between the dorsal and caudal fin). They are more reclusive during the day and will be most active and feed in the evenings.Large-spot catfish are fairly hardy and are not difficult to keep in a well maintained environment, making them quite suitable for beginning aquarists. Don't overlook real catfish "lures" They don't work the same way as bass or walleye lures, but some manufacturers make plastic lures specially designed for use with soft stinkbaits. 8 oz. Males will have pointed ridged papillae and the sperm duct can be seen on the caudal side. If this is a common occurrence, it is a good indicator that the water quality is deteriorating.The Ocellated Synodontis are good sized fish, so need a minimum sized tank of 50 gallons, with 75 gallons or more being better. They do best with an undergravel filter system as it will help keep the water highly oxygenated. To be certain the genital papilae can be examined. It has the characteristic sharp spines on its dorsal fin and so should be transported using a glass or plastic container rather than a net.They require clean water that is high in oxygen and a good supply of food on the bottom of the tank. Mudshark. All Rights Reserved Tiger Oscar Fish Behavior, Natural Habitat, Colors, Tank, and CareBetta Tank Mates for 10-Gallon Tank and Betta with ShrimpOtocinclus Catfish: Tank Mates, Tank Requirements and DietBetta Tank Mates for 10-Gallon Tank and Betta with Shrimp The closer to their natural habitat the less stress the fish will have, making them healthier and happy.
Unlike, say, the head of a chicken, a great deal of a fish’s net weight (in most cases) is in its head. They are very quiet and still during the daytime, then become active in the evening hours and at night, scavenging for food items.They mostly eat plant matter and algae, but will also consume dead fish, worms, and other proteins. On avg.size channels ,there is a soft spot on the head that you can knick with a knife and stick a fairly stiff small diameter wire int their brain.They will quiver a little bit , but die instantly.

These are a peaceful fish that will be found in schools as juveniles, but as adults they prefer a solitary life. There are several color forms including black, tan, and yellow. Properly clean or quarantine anything that you add to an established tank so not to add new diseases to the tank. The Giraffe Catfish is active during the … TFF Guru. Mudshark. Flathead Catfish. I am from Perú, If there is someone interested on buy them, please send me a email to: robindehs@ aol.com We can reach a good low price. Take great caution when catching and removing this fish. Large-spot catfish are fairly hardy and are not difficult to keep in a well maintained environment, making them quite suitable for beginning aquarists.