I never apologize. This scene represents one of No list about Homer's best quotes is complete without the one that defines him as a character. “Homer’s Enemy,” Season 8, Episode 23. It's Homer's version of elation. The wisdom of Homer Simpson (Photo: 20th Century Fox) Believe it or not, this coming Saturday marks the 62nd birthday of four-fingered, donut-loving, beer-drinking comedy icon Homer Simpson. Needless to say, Bart is both upset and embarrassed, so Homer says something to try and make him and Lisa feel better.While his speech starts off positive, he pulls a classic Homer and deviates into a message of pessimism.
Furthermore, his version is considered to be just as iconic, if not better, than the original.This quote from “Lisa the Sceptic” is yet another example of Homer saying something that is actually intelligent and true.

storyline on the 1980's soap opera Dallas.The first episode closed out Season 6, as Mr. Burns managed to piss off just about every resident of Springfield by stealing oil, blocking out the sun, firing Smithers and still, through it all, never remembering Homer's name. - YouTube From there, the audience watches as Homer makes a fool of himself, while an inferno rages behind him. This episode combined both conflicts as it explored Edna's sad, lonely existence and the emergence of a bond between teacher and student.
"Homer's Enemy" introduced us to Frank Grimes, the man who was everything Homer isn't.

Of course, the pause while the operator laughed at Homer's request probably delayed the response.Homer loves his children. Seeing her father so brazenly violate the Eighth Commandment caused Lisa no small amount of distress.The result was an endearing little drama as Homer struggled to live up to the man Lisa wanted him to be. Two, he's a compassionate man.Except for Flanders, Homer doesn't want to see anyone hurt, particularly those in his family. For his part, Milhouse wanted no part of the fame, fortune, and constant hassle that come with child stardom.

It upset his comfortable, squeaky-clean world and allowed for an extended character arc to play out over the course of many seasons as Ned adjusted to the single parent lifestyle and started dating again. "Lemon of Troy" offered a fun glimpse into Shelbyville, which turned out to be an almost Mirror Universe version of Springfield in some ways. The best clips in one movie. And all of his pent-up aggression burst forth when he encountered Homer, a happy family man with a house and a decent job and everything Grimes didn't have. But in some ways this is one of the darker Simpsons episodes. The shows main protagonist, Homer Simpson, is largely considered to be one of its funniest characters. To date, "Who Shot Mr. Best of homer simpson! And it was a gleeful parody of the infamous "Who Shot J.R.?" The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans.

Burns?" Unfortunately, he lost the 20 dollars to Bart, depriving him of peanuts.Yes, it's an overused joke, but it reveals two things. "Alone Again, Natura-Diddily" was motivated largely by the fact that Maude Flanders' voice actress had moved away from California, but the writers found a great storyline to explore in Maude's tragic, T-shirt cannon-induced death.This was the first major tragedy to strike the Flanders clan since Ned's brush with financial ruin in Season 1. 1997. Page 1 of 5: Page 1 Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Often used by Homer when he makes a mistake, gets injured, or is frustrated, "D’oh" quickly became one of the most popular catchphrases of the modern era.