This applies both in the surf tables, and when fishing the estuaries, especially the salt lagoons. In very rough weather, stick only to deeper harbours and marinas, or high up the estuary towards the freshwater line. Also places where small streams wash into the estuary or areas where drainage water seeps back seaward.From mid-summer, mullet will also be found working the ends of beaches and inside small seaward facing bays. 2 comments As sea temperatures rise due to climate change, these fish are becoming more and more common this far north even though few anglers target them, but they are still classed as unusual. The first deals with the abundant number of mullet that inhabit the water ways. Definitely agree to size the hook to your bait, and therefore bait/hook size matters to include/exclude fish species that can be caught with it. 0 comments They will be seen free swimming along the edges of such man-made structures, and often have a particular route they patrol when feeding. Make sure you cast to the same place each time by putting the line in the line clip. Yellow or silver float beads seem to work well in most conditions.Golden greys will also take floating bread fished 5ft away from either a Bombarda or bubble float in areas where birds are publicly fed. This is not to catch fish but purely to hold the mackerel section in place. Add a little water for casting weight, if needed. Try to be patient and let them get confident in feeding on the bread. There is a conspicuous gold spot on the cheek and gill cover, but thick-lips can carry a golden hue mark too, so use the pectoral fin to the eye as the main ID. The thin-lip also has a black spot at the base of the pectoral fin.The majority of grey mullet are slate grey on the back shading to white on the lower flank and belly. Want the best local fishing spots, discounts on fishing gear, and to stay up to date with what and where the fish are biting right now? March 11, 2019 Keep adding two or three bits of bread to keep it going. Golden grey mullet, like the thin-lip, respond well to spun baits. January 31, 2017

One reason information is so sketchy on this is that many anglers often don’t know the difference between thick-lipped and thin-lipped mullet.In Ireland, thin-lipped mullet are present inside Cork Harbour and also again inside the river estuaries and saltwater lagoons of the west Cork area, especially in the Clonakilty and Union Hall regions.There is belief that due to climate change and some rise in average sea temperatures that thin-lipped mullet are both extending their range further northwards slightly and improving in overall numbers. All fish are competitive and it’s this survival instinct that likely induces the bite. Fish working the open shoreline favour worms, small shellfish, shrimps and crabs. Judy, from Madison County, Florida, told Fishing-Tips-Bait-Tackle.Com that she fishes the “wall” near Green Cove Springs on the St. Johns River. Overcast skies give you a much better chance, and although this species tends to feed throughout daylight, they often respond best during the early mornings and late evenings when the light levels drop accordingly. Bites will be a single solid pull round of the rod tip. Again, they have a forgiving action but offer real power low down to fight heavier fish with. Also using a circle hook is much better than a standard J hook or even an offset circle since they can hook fish deep in the throat. The season for GG’s, as they are affectionately called, runs from May through to September. There are those who are comfortable with #12 or even #14. I’ve caught a large variety of species on Owner Mutu #4 circle hooks, from small whiting to a 36″ big ugly. March 17, 2019 In deeper water, say inside marinas and harbours, then although you maybe can’t see them, they will often be feeding on the bottom in rougher weather, again this will be reliant on a natural or artificial food supply being available. In the surf, small bits of king ragworm, lugworm, and even squid strips can work, but the maddies are the number one bait by far. The best time for mullet fishing is during the incoming and outgoing tide of the new moon or last quarter.