71 and those in Restaurants, Inns, Pubs positions (NOK 344,543). The most typical salary is NOK 585,719 (Gross). It has around 880,000 members, which when you compare to the population of around 5.3 million is quite something!These unions come to collective agreements on salaries and working conditions with companies, which are then applied to all workers, not just union members.This general application of the collective agreements is in place partly to help prevent foreign workers from being taken advantage of.Generally collective agreements feature one fixed hourly rate for everyone over the age of 18. 142 Even if you can find rented accommodation, you more often than not have to put down between one and three months' rent as a deposit, on top of paying the first month's rent in advanceEven if you are impressed with your prospective salary, research expected living costs for your own circumstances and then make your decision.If you enjoyed this post, why not share it on Pinterest? $75 easy to fill up a tiny mini car. Health service focuses on preventative care.Overall, we earn more, but save less than we did in the UK. Management & Business enjoy the highest gross average salaries (NOK 894,326), I don’t know how anyone running a small business employing staff copes.You can say that again. Let's find out.How does this happen? No need to be so nationalistic considering you are not even Norwegian. 173 Tax and payments to the government/local authorities are high, but the services received are also good. While new hires are entitled to full vacation time (25 days is typical), that vacation time is only paid if it was “accrued” the previous year. a gross average of NOK 828,900 compared to NOK 408,950 Your average tax rate is 23.59% and your marginal tax rate is 34.50%. Compensation packages for senior management are not always as competitive as in many other countries, such as the USA. With an earned Doctorate Degree, they grosses NOK 719,058.

Bus drivers in Norway can expect to earn an annual wage of between NOK 410,000-440,000.The Labour Inspection Authority also checks that companies are in compliance with the complicated rules on vacation entitlements and holiday pay.Both these topics are implemented quite differently in Norway from many other countries. If you make 500,000 kr a year living in Norway, you will be taxed 117,956 kr. Young workers under the age of 18 must earn at least NOK 119.30.People employed as cleaners must be paid a minimum of NOK 181.43 if they are over 18, and NOK 133.39 if not.

Much lower gas prices.