We'll never pass along your email address to spammers, scammers, or the like.Your favorite teams, topics, and players all on your favorite mobile devices.Powered by Minute Media © 2020 All Rights Reserved.Game of Thrones Season 6 Casting Rumors and Speculation Aegon V Targaryen also sat on the Iron Throne and was known as “Egg.” Aegon was a main character in GRRM’s Dunk and Egg novellas. Appearance and Character Edit. Eddard never told him anything about his mother, leading him and everyone else to believe that she was a mere commoner.The major part of Jon’s journey happens as he fulfils his duty as a Night’s Watch guard, where he gains the confidence to go from a self-doubting bastard son to a fierce commander.Jon Snow’s true lineage was heavily hinted at throughout the show, but it was only confirmed in the final episode of season 7. “Egg,” as Aemon explains, is short for “Aegon” who was his little brother. A beautiful story on its own.

She was born in exile at the end of Robert’s Rebellion, during a great storm, earning herself the nickname of “Daenerys Stormborn”.Afterwards, Dany and her brother grew up away from prying eyes, though she was abused and treated like cattle by her brother, who only saw her as an opportunity to gain allies in his quest for the throne.After marrying Khal Drogo and seeing her brother die, Daenerys gained in confidence and soon became mistress of her own fate. It was known as the Jaehaerys ascended the throne after his father died, with his son Build your custom WiC Daily email newsletter with news and analysis on Game of Thrones and all your favorite sports teams, TV shows, and more.Your privacy is safe with us. With actual dragons by her side, Dany soon became the ‘Mother of Dragons’ which turned her into even more of a badass. Aemon, his older brother by two years, was born in 198 AC. Aegon was the fourth son of Maekar I. Aegon married Lady Betha Blackwood in 220 AC. I personally think it’s unlikely that Jon will want the throne. )With Aemon now a Maester, and Aegon considered by most to be “half a peasant” due to his time as Dunk’s squire, a Great Council was called to consider who to pass the crown to—Daemon’s half witted daughter, Aerion’s minor son, Aemon, or Aegon. Exiled with his sister from the Seven Kingdoms after the overthrow of their father, Aerys, the siblings grew up in hiding, and Viserys, determined to get on the Iron Throne, made Dany’s childhood a living hell by abusing her.After having practically sold his sister to the warlord, Khal Drogo in order to acquire the allegiance of his people, Viserys began to realize that it was actually Dany who was suddenly getting the royal treatment he so wanted.