My son and I powered through and made the half mile walk back out to the river and walked across that bridge on principle, and then dragged ourselves back to our cabin to nap, where I only managed to sleep for 20 minutes but he slept for an hour. I don’t know why. Social media has become a place that allows the visibility of all this divisiveness to reach a bigger audience that can spread hate and harassment, which fuels the fear and anger of those who seem to lack empathy for others, so they join in on it. Real bad. I think it’s just always been part of who I am; a person who knows someone else could use that gift way more than I could, so I don’t feel right accepting it.

I got several messages from people with links to their websites and it made me so happy to see such great work from them! 100%.When we got back up to the top, we all received a silly, funny certificate for completing this journey that not many people accomplish. Their rep looked at my book, Piggy and Pug, and was really interested in having me work with them, so I got their contact info and made a plan to get in touch with them when I returned home.

I see so many people doing online auctions for items, or for fun virtual experiences, which is great and it is working for some people, but it leaves out those who would like one of these things but quickly get out-bid and can’t afford to stay in the auction any longer. (There are many other factors that ultimately led me to seek help for anxiety this past week, which I’ll probably post about another time). He also spoke fondly of the young man we were there to celebrate (I’m keeping names out of this to protect privacy.) So dumb, I know.) They did bring out a big pot of vegetarian chili for the handful of vegetarians there, so he ate a lot of that. *If you have questions about my book, you can visit In my early 20s, I attended a bar mitzvah and to be honest, I don’t have much memory of it. They are half horse and half donkey, which makes them taller than donkeys, and have better endurance, harder hooves, tougher skin (which makes them more capable of resisting sun and rain) and have a natural resistance to disease and insects, and they have more patience than horses. I used to be one of those people. And with that, I am going to list all of the stores by state and city so you can get a copy for yourself or for a little one in your life who would enjoy a story that teaches empathy and compassion with some adorable animals who go on a journey to find family and friendship.-Wall of Books in Columbus, in Watkinsville, in E. Ellijay, in Perry, and in Commerce!-Gottwals Books in Warner Robins, in Byron, and in Macon!-Fenwick Street Used Books and Music in LeonardtownThis distribution list is specifically with DartFrog. They are all very well taken care of, are surprisingly happy to receive affection (my son and I both gave our mules lots of scritches, hugs, and kisses, as well as an apple to eat before our ride back up the following morning) and they get rotated out after a ride so a new set of mules do the trip the next day while the others rest. This book will never be for sale but all of the posts are still on Wil’s blog at wil wheaton [dot] net if you feel like spending some time scrolling back to read them all. That actually ended up being the best thing.