Not only does this fish of the Mackerel family have many common names but one of the common names is actually the name of another fish that looks similiar. I do agree that they are excellent table fare. The false albacore (Euthynnus alletteratus) goes by many names—little tunny, fat albert, bonito, spotted bonito—but whatever anglers call it, the species is prized for its blistering runs and sheer power.The smallest member of the Scombridae family, the false albacore is not a “true” tuna, of the genus Thunnus, and is, in fact, more closely related to the mackerels. always a thrill. Your photo essay was awesome in all respects.caught them from boats, jetties, and beach.

Such was the case with the albie below, which hit a It’s important to handle fish properly if you want the final result to taste good. Eat more abie, from capt of the Willy Savage fishing team!Great for fish tacos , BBQ albies with red onions and garden tomatoes with mayo and hot sauce!I’ve tried something similar. Same as you would have to do for parasitic species of fish eaten for sushi such as Wild salmon or fluke.Searing the outer edges as you have shown will leave viable parasites which can result in Anisakiasis and other parasitic borne illnesses unless properly frozen first. Didn’t have any ice or a cooler and the bite was on so it stayed on the rocks for about an hour in the sun. Off the Louisiana coast they are either released or used as bait for other species. Tastes like filet mignon.Only parasite containing species must be frozen to kill parasites. I’m heading to Cape Cod now and while I may not catch or keep any allbies, at least I know what to do if I ever want to keep one!Albies & Big Blues R Delicious as long as they are taken care of properly.Caught, bled, fillet, seasoned and grilled within ten minutes of landing it…not bad at all.It always bothered me when people would say that they are inedible. The breasts are delicious.False albacore if eaten partially uncooked as you have above, must be frozen at -4F for 7 days for the destruction of parasites that are naturally present in the species.
I changed up his pickled beet side dish with pickeled apple. thanks! Yes I’ve tried them and they are indeed edible. Skinning the fillets and trimming away every trace of dark meat, I was left with four small loins of pink flesh from each albie. Now, to get my butt out the door to actually go catch one (or more)…Sounds like more than I want to do to be able to eat them. When I got home I filleted it and just baked it after brushing on some olive oil then salt and pepper. They can be found on the open oceans from Maine, south all the way to Brazil as well as inshore waters. There is one video on preparing and cooking Atlantic Mackeral in real time, which could be applied to any oily fish, and other fish videos well worth watching.

It was a little softer than most tuna meat, and the cooked edges flaked and fell apart when cutting through them.The final result had a taste similar to tuna, probably closest to longfin albacore. With an oily fish, such as bluefish, tuna or mackerel, it’s necessary to kill it, bleed it immediately, and get it on ice.