Moving forward, in order for states within a region to participate in quota transfers, the Director of each state’s marine fisheries agency within the region must agree to the transfer in writing. Spiny dogfish migrate north in the spring and summer and south in the fall and winter. Proper usage and audio pronunciation (plus IPA phonetic transcription) of the word Atlantic spiny dogfish. In 2017, 2,259 spiny dogfish Category 1 permits were issued. This US fishery was certified as sustainable in 2012.It targets the spiny dogfish in the Northwest Atlantic, up to 200 nautical miles from the US coast. Additionally, the Addendum extends the timeframe for when quota transfers can occur up to 45 days after the end of the fishing year to allow for late reporting of landings data. Today, commercial fishermen catch spiny dogfish using longlines, trawls, and purse seines. Meaning of Atlantic spiny dogfish. The southern state shares are allocated as follows: New York (2.7%); New Jersey (7.6%); Delaware (0.9%); Maryland (5.9%); Virginia (10.8%); and North Carolina (14.0%). Discards have remained around 11 million pounds over the past decade and have declined in recent years. Information about Atlantic spiny dogfish in the dictionary, synonyms and antonyms. It is anticipated that the Canadian dogfish harvest will not increase in the near future given the lack of demand for the product and the subsequent closure of Canadian spiny dogfish processors.The 2018 Stock Assessment Update indicates the population is not overfished nor experiencing overfishing. Not all timelines on the Track a Fishery website are currently up-to-date. It targets the spiny dogfish in the Northwest Atlantic, up to 200 nautical miles from the US coast. The spiny dogfish is a major predator on some commercially important species such as herring, Atlantic mackerel and squid. Canadian and foreign landings have also decreased significantly in recent years. The spawning stock biomass estimate of 235 million pounds is slightly above the SSB threshold of 175 million pounds, while the fishing mortality estimate (0.202) is just below the fishing mortality threshold (0.2439). Spiny dogfish captured as off of Morehead City, NC as part of a feeding study. While carrying one litter, the female will begin developing eggs for the fertilization of her next litter. Female dogfish reach sexual maturity at 12 years (~29.5 inches), while males reach sexual maturity at six years (~23.6 inches). They are found in a wide range of bottom water temperatures in the northwest Atlantic, ranging between 0°C and 17°C. The spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) is one of the most common and well known species of dogfish.It is a small species of shark, with an average length of 28-39 inches (70–100 cm), and reaching a maximum weight of 9.8 kg..