2009-10-27 04:57:13 2009-10-27 04:57:13.

A potentially record-breaking walleye got the break of its life last weekend.On March 10, Robert Monty of Vermilion Bay, Ont., caught and released a giant walleye that he said was record-book calibre. Monty said he had just left one hole and was going to another one when Sheila cried "Robert, you've got a fish! What is the biggest pike ever caught in Canada?

"When [Grandbois] pulled it out of the hole, we had a hard time and he had a hard time," Monty said. Please note that CBC does not endorse the opinions expressed in comments. Christian Zimmer says that early spring is when many of the biggest pike are caught in Northern Ontario.

I guess beginner's luck is true sometimes.

I am a sport fisherman, I c&r everything, I have worked in the field and fish pike 2-3 days a week.

The rules and regulations for the contest will be published in the new year…stay posted! And in less than 30 minutes, we caught and released seven trophies of a lifetime, including the biggest pike caught at Arctic Lodge the entire season. We have enlisted the assistance of our resident experts to help prepare you by writing their knowledge and perhaps guarded secrets in several articles over this coming winter.Let our trip planners know you are up for the challenge, and we’ll put you on the appropriate waterway empowered with the latest information. My grandfather owns a small lake here in Sweden, in the 90s we killed every pike we got under 2kg, and after some years the baitfish was really big and the biggest pike we got was about 17kg. The story goes that it was Ken's first time Muskie fishing.

"There's always a bigger one out there. Ontario’s biggest pike in 2016. He was fishing off the Muck Road Boat Launch in Rome, NY. Conservation has been important to us for over 20 years, and the results keep showing; it’s paying off!The rules and regulations for the contest will be published in the new year…stay posted!This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. These beautiful fish were 53 and 50 inches respectively; one was caught in the spring and the other in the fall.We want one of our guests to achieve this honour in 2016 and we’re gonna help!

Musky News: "Just a picture and a memory," he said.

"I said 'I can't get his head up,'" he said.The walleye's head slipped into the hole and filled it, Monty said, adding that Grandbois then leaned down and barely got two fingers in the gill plate.When the giant walleye was pulled out of the hole "my eyes popped out," said Monty, adding that the fish measured 36 inches (91 centimetres) in length from nose to tail.He said he didn't measure the girth but it was one very fat walleye. And median wieght of every pike we got was 4,5kg.

Toronto's Ken O'Brien caught the great fish on October 16, 1988, in Georgian Bay's Blackstone Harbour, Moon River Basin.

(NYS Department of Environmental Conservation)

OUR waters are the prime spots for these beauts. "We went for crappies in the morning," said Monty. Top Answer.

"Monty was fishing with his wife Donnalee, his friend Gilbert Grandbois and Grandbois' partner, Sheila Sjodin.Monty said the spot they fish is near a creek mouth and is known to hold walleye in March. Gord Pyzer interviews Trent University Biology student Christian Zimmer on Pike spawning season and why this means ice out is when some of the biggest pike are caught in Northern Ontario. In the world of freshwater fishing, few fish are as highly sought after and revered as the muskellunge (Esox masquinongy).

In 2003 and 2005, our guests recorded the biggest pike caught and released in all of Ontario and verified by the OFAH (Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters). "The angler then grabbed the rod and set the hook. Pseudonyms will no longer be permitted.By submitting a comment, you accept that CBC has the right to reproduce and publish that comment in whole or in part, in any manner CBC chooses. A man from Vermilion Bay, Ont., caught and released a fish that he says could have challenged a 70-year-old record for walleye last weekend. He said the walleye fishing is usually best in the evening. "It was about eight feet of water, and we set up our lines. But that's my biggest.