It seems like many of the complaints fail to take the book as what it claims to be.


Of course like most conservatives he believes in a rigid kind of inequality.

What I love about it is that it provides an incredibly thorough background for anyone wanting to understand American culture, particularly from a religious or moral foundation perspective, and the cultural transformation that has occurred over the years.I have friends who remind me, regularly, that wealth is becoming more and more concentrated among the wealthy.

Beginning in the 1950s, America entered a period of unprecedented social reform. As a conservative intellectual, Murray gets his share of criticisms from libe-

Charles Murray is the W. H. Brady Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.

Suprised by how readable such a topic can be. Buy for $18.17

In today's politically correct world, they may hide their displeasure over your misuse of grammar or your overly familiar use of their first name without an express invitation.

I just checked on Amazon and the publication date is actually January 31.

Have already listened to it twice.

10 people found this helpful

A truly fascinating book.

The narrator did what he could with it.

The Journal of Negro Education 64, no. Performance