Evelyn and her brother Jonathan met him in a Cairo prison, where Evelyn negotiates his release early in the movie so that he can lead them to the ancient city of Hamunaptra, as he is one of the few men to ever visit the city and return alive. Burns, seeing Evelyn's toolkit, called out that it was his but retracted his claim once O'Connell pointed his pistol towards him. Jonathan, driving the car, managed to drive far away from the library when the car reached an alley blocked off by the enslaved townspeople. Evelyn, being cold in the desert night, huddled up with O'Connell as they slept, but returned to her own sleeping spot before her brother and the Warden saw and got the wrong impression. He also speaks fluent In the second film, he has lost of his share of the family's new wealth apart from a golden sceptre, which he continues carrying around even after Imhotep is resurrected and they learn about the new threat of the Scorpion King. Bent u hier via een pagina in Wikipedia terechtgekomen? She guides the O'Connells to Shangri-La in the Soon the Emperor breaks into Shangri-La and becomes an immortal shapeshifter, kidnapping Lin and taking her to the site where he was unearthed.

Jonathan tried to cheer her up by reminding her that she always had him, and Jonathan brought a trinket along that Evelyn at first derided as worthless, as most of his findings were forgeries, but which turned out to be a real find: a small, golden puzzle-box with eight keyed ends. The mummy then went on towards Evelyn, thanking her for bringing him back from the Only one man could give Evelyn sufficient answers: her employer, Dr. Bey, who she went to see in the museum, along with O'Connell, Jonathan, Henderson and Daniels. The journey continued the next morning with Jonathan and Warden Hassan arguing about who was snoring, their quarrel stopping once the group's camels walked past a section of sand where many human skulls and bones were, O'Connell knowing some of the deceased men there. He proceeds to seek out the Bracelet of Anubis, which is the key to finding the lair of the Scorpion King. However, while there he becomes separated from Rick during the panic of the Locust Plague and encounters Imhotep. Evelyn okazuje się być reinkarnacją księżniczki Nefertiri, która strzegła Bransolety Anubisa przed wiekami, Rick jest potomkiem Medjai - wojowników Boga Słońca (Ra), który mieli chronić rodzinę faraona a ich syn, Alex, ma za zadanie dotrzeć do mitycznej Oazy Ahm Share i doprowadzić tam rodziców. This character was the resurrected Imhotep's alter ego as he passed himself off as a modern Egyptian in the Three thousand years later, during an archaeological dig, Imhotep was accidentally unleashed and revived. Dr. Chamberlain had made it back to Cairo with the others, but separated himself from their group. The group then ventured underground by rappelling down the tunnels. En 1926, une bibliothécaire et son frère, Evelyn et Jonathan Carnahan, s'allient avec un homme du nom de Rick O'Connell qui prétend connaître l'emplacement secret de Hamunaptra. Demanding that he leave, as he would likely ruin her career the way that his had been ruined, Evelyn denied that Jonathan was succeeding in finding artefacts, Jonathan being an archaeologist as well. Evelyn stated that they were standing inside a chamber that no one had entered in three thousand years as she turned one of the mirrors inside the chamber, illuminating the room with light from the sun. Born in the kingdom of Akkad, Mathayus set out to join the group the Black Scorpions; however, when he returned from his training he found that his father's murderer, Sargon, had usurped the throne. Just then, a droning sound began, coming from the horizon, awaking all the others in the campsite as they looked onto the distance outside the camp and saw a vast horde of To escape the locusts, O'Connell, Evelyn and Jonathan reached a hallway where O'Connell stated that the locusts were one of the Ten Plagues that Evelyn had brought up before, but Evelyn replied that the grasshoppers of Egypt occasionally reached massive breeding numbers, resulting in their swarms. Pressing the box's bottom in silent amazement, Evelyn beheld an ancient map that was folded up within the box.

Henderson, however, was caught by surprise by the mummy, who had blasted in through the window, and was killed like his fellows before him. Jonathan had left the group to start his car when he was confronted by the townspeople, who had almost set upon him when he pretended to be one of them, moaning and shambling along; his performance had deceived them, and he brought the car to the front of the building so that the others might escape.