If youre going to bleach id use a commercial product as you can damage your gums and the pulp inside your teeth if you arent careful. Make sure to get some orajel too for this reason.Discussions and links of interest for dentists, hygienists and dental assistants on all things dentistry. Questions about dental topics and issues from patients are also welcome.Press J to jump to the feed. In most cases, the most important factor is how long the whitener contacts your teeth over a given time period. Painting a tiny amount of hydrogen peroxide on each tooth with a cotton tip works well also (for short term occasional use don't over do it and do not consume the peroxide). Activated charcoal may not be the best recommendation on this sub since it's expensive.I'm using charcoal now without consulting my dentist. It's gonna hurt like hell. The strips stick to the teeth and are applied once or twice each day over one or two weeks and then topped up as required. My teeth have gotten so yellow and I have never whitened them before.

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And teeth can be whitened using a peroxide of some sort but everyone's teeth whiten differently. Got stub of it from Marshall’s. My teeth have gotten so yellow and I have never whitened them before. Nearly fainted lolTwo ways to whiten teeth, bleaching them with a chemical agent, which is the most thorough, or essentially sanding them with an abrasive (toothpastes are abrasive).If youre going to bleach id use a commercial product as you can damage your gums and the pulp inside your teeth if you arent careful. level 1 But definitely do some googling to make sure...Your best option is definitely the chemical route.Using abrasives will mess with your enamel and cause bigger problems down the road. Just remember to rinse after.I've heard activated charcoal works. Or things I can buy for cheap?Any of the whitening strips that are over the counter will do just fine. Two ways to whiten teeth, bleaching them with a chemical agent, which is the most thorough, or essentially sanding them with an abrasive (toothpastes are abrasive). Make a paste of baking soda and water and use it on a toothbrush to give your teeth a good scrub. I’m getting my braces out tomorrow, and was wondering if there are cheap ways of getting my pearls whitened!Ask the dentist, don't screw around with your teethI asked a couple places around where I live and they’re quoting me anywhere from $400-$1000! It helps with cavity prevention and strengthens teeth enamel, which creates the effect of whiter-looking teeth without bleachingGo for dental scaling with a certified dentist. If youre using an abrasive you need to make sure you dont destroy your enamel.Mix water with hydrogen peroxide and swish it and spit.I forget the water to peroxide ratio, but the bottle will say.This is a decades-old dirt-cheep way that won't ruin your enamel the way baking soda or charcoal will.You can also just dunk your tooth brush in hydrogen peroxide and brush after you're done with your normal brushing. This may seem a bit bizarre, but I assure you that this IS the cheapest, … We have to admit, this is not the tastiest option, … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Fingers crossed that I don't destroy my enamel.Activated charcoal works great. Oil pulling for whiter teeth. What is the best way to do this? Brush your teeth with baking soda and lemon juice. I have my senior portrait in a few weeks and I really want to whiten them before then. Stay away from activated carbon!! If you must drink one of those, do it through a straw if possible, and have the straw positioned in your mouth so that it bypasses your teeth … Now keep in mind that dental work won't whitening (fillings, crowns, etc). Usually the more expensive the whitener, the faster the result. !Use xylitol mints and/or gum after every meal. Coffee, Soda (Especially dark colored soda like Coke), tea, and red wine are the main teeth un-whiteners when it comes to beverages. Reddit Fastest Way To Whiten Teeth Maybe you desire for having a smile so bright that it can be seen from space, or perhaps you are trying to find something a little much less blinding. Practice oil pulling. I have my senior portrait in a few weeks and I really want to whiten them before then. Best cheap, fast, easy way to whiten teeth? Baking soda works well too.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castFrugality is the mental approach we each take when considering our resource allocations. It includes time, money, convenience, and many other factors.Press J to jump to the feed.

Oil pulling is a traditional Indian folk remedy meant to improve oral hygiene and … More about it here - Had that done twice...does not whiten one bit...cleans plaque under the gums.I've heard so many mixed things about abrasive powders like baking soda and activated charcoal. I don’t have a lot of money to buy stuff, so is there an at home way to whiten teeth?