The Divine Comedy is a piece of world literature. The work did not survive completely, but a later version did survive. Some comedies make the audience laugh by showing strange or unusual images or situations that do not make sense. Some comedy movies have "slapstick comedy," in which people just do silly things such as tripping, falling over or embarrassing themselves just to make people laugh. The poem has three parts: Inferno , Purgatorio , and Paradiso (Paradise, or Heaven). The ancient Greeks had comedies, which were presented in competitions at the festival of Dionysia.One of the best-known comedy authors of the time was Aristophanes (about 446–386 BC). Half-hour series were mostly situation comedy or family comedy. The Divine Comedy is a piece of world literature. People who are known for acting in comedies are The ancient Greeks had comedies, which were presented in One of the best-known comedy authors of the time was Typical for satire are that the author criticizes society, and living people.Humour, or 'New Comedy' is not about criticizing people or ideas, but rather about showing characters in funny situations. The most important Greek playwright of this type was probably Many comedy plays were written in the 1500s by the British writer There are different types of comedy.
Kids Encyclopedia Facts Charlie Chaplin in the film The Champion, 1915 A comedian or comic is a person who seeks to entertain an audience by making them laugh. The most important Greek playwright of this type was probably Many comedy plays were written in the 1500s by the British writer There are different types of comedy. Images for kids In "slap stick comedy," people do silly things such as tripping, falling over or embarrassing themselves just to make people laugh. The Divine Comedy is an epic poem (a poem that is very long, like a story) written by Dante Alighieri. A person who performs stand-up comedy is known as a stand-up comic, stand-up comedian or simply stand up. It is about a trip through the afterlife. This might be through jokes or amusing situations, or acting foolish (as in slapstick) or employing prop comedy. Other comedy movies show funny stories or situations in which people are behaving in a silly manner. Comedies may also show people telling jokes and funny stories. Dramas usually have a serious feel to them. Inferno is the most famous section of the poem. A comedy is a very popular type of movie. The ancient Greeks had comedies, which were presented in One of the best-known comedy authors of the time was Typical for satire are that the author criticizes society, and living people. Slap stick comedy can be used in comedy movies or comedy television shows. One of his works, The Clouds was performed 425 BC. One type of comedy is called "slap stick comedy."

Drama is considered the opposite of comedy, but drama and comedy can be used at the same time.