“This is basically a machine that you made to monitor people are staying at least six feet away from each other, right?” Keashon’s dad echoes, showing both interest and a hint of awe at his son’s creation, the type of parental affirmation that kids can’t get enough of (even if they don’t show it). It would be a great honor for him to receive the DAD award because it sounds super hardcore (just like him) and being a Dad is truly the thing that he is most proud of!“He left his home country of the Philippines to move here when he was 16 and work as an EMT, then a full time as a tech to support his family, having had his first daughter at the age of 20, all while completing nursing school. Reblog.

Jared Dudley, who is scared – probably for everyone else in the NFL:Players of Mahomes’ caliber don’t get where they are without being competitive, and while the young QB often seems laidback, he didn’t become the youngest Super Bowl MVP and Super Bowl winner by not caring. In the months since there hasn’t been a ton of stories about celebrities catching corona, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

You get the feeling that the likable, charismatic, seemingly easygoing Mahomes takes most things in stride, but the good news for Chiefs fans is that this does not seem to be one of those things.The QB responded to his second straight year at the number four spot on the list with a tweet that was short and to the point:My man is taking notes and/or making a list, presumably of the people in front of him on the NFL’s list, in a clear indication that he is not planning to forget this snub anytime soon.Twitter reacted, including longtime NBA player and Boston College alum (ever to excel!) “I was one of the lucky ones… I count my blessings and urge you to keep wearing the damn mask, keep washing your hands, and stay socially distant. Reid Nakamura. Our first baby was born at 25 weeks. He also recently taught our 4-year-old, Kai, to ride his bike without training wheels and helped Landon achieve his many cub scout badges. Frank conjured up the no-tinsel holiday during a Christmas season long ago, when commercialism got the best of him as he was out buying a … With slim chances of survival, he was by both our sons’ and my side throughout the 97 long days and tons of sleepless nights in the NICU. Marwin made sure to get out there at 4 AM in the cold just to make sure his kids got front row seats.

He remained nearby, head half-submerged, likely waiting to see if anyone was left behind. If someone comes within that six feet, the machine lets out a high-pitched beep.“It beeps and screams at you”, Keashon says laughing, in a video that has accumulated over 200,000 Twitter likes in less than a week. And if he did, well, the league is about to be in even more trouble, because he cares now.At the top of this piece, I mentioned that things were going pretty well for Mahomes until these rankings came out, but I was wrong. But most of us aren’t The 24-year-old quarterback of the Kansas City Chiefs won his first Super Bowl and first Super Bowl MVP award in February in a thrilling comeback against the San Francisco 49ers. Solder is a giant of a player (he’s 6-9 and over 300 pounds), but his heart is even bigger, as he’s made a habit of supporting multiple charities and causes.

It was heartbreaking for him to explain to the boys that he couldn’t give them hugs and that he could only video chat with them, but they made the best of it because it was best for everyone.“He was also working the day of the fatal school bus accident on the highway nearest to Hackettstown Medical Center. TBS will celebrate the legacy of Jerry Stiller this weekend with a marathon of “Seinfeld” episodes featuring the late actor and comedian.Stiller had a recurring role on the series as the outspoken Frank Costanza, the father of Jason Alexander’s George Costanza. Frank trusts him implicitly, but no further explanation of the cape is given.

We revist some of the his most memorable moments on the show. At least, they were. to his dad – although he’s modest, he’s clearly very proud of what he built. My mother passed in 2013 and places no blame on present day officials in the City of Toronto nor Province of Ontario officials.

He supports me as an artist and will often watch our kids so that I can pursue my professional teaching degrees and have time to work on creating my own art.“He worked tirelessly during the pandemic often putting himself at risk, therefore having to socially distance himself from his own family for about 2 weeks after his exposure. Having a high-risk child changes the equation completely. An article published in the Globe & Mail on July 5, 2003 "Nursing aid unwittingly spread SARS" which is available for reading online details the circumstances in which this City of Toronto employee caught and spread the virus in Toronto. it sounds daunting now that over 150,000 Americans are dead because of it,” Cranston wrote in the caption to the video. It’s hard to say what would have happened if Grande hadn’t been paying attention, but thanks to his vigilance and dad-like reflexes, his kids and babysitter are safe. TBS to Air Best of Frank Costanza ‘Seinfeld’ Marathon in Honor of Jerry Stiller. May 14, 2020.