If someone new is managing your money, you may not realize it. Apparently, the higher the amount you invested and the longer it is invested, the higher the return or profit. Some gain higher returns and earn thousands while some gain millions. Each mutual fund are further characterized based on the following:An Equity Fund, also known as stock fund, invests in selected stocks and equity securities. "Look for investment managers that have a long history of investing," he says.Simon Calton, CEO of the Carlton James Group, says his biggest tip for anyone investing in mutual funds is to look at how the fund manager did during the last economic downturn.It's been easy for mutual funds and their managers to do well in the extended bull market; what will differentiate the best managers is how they performed during stock market declines. A Guide to Investing in Mutual Funds for Beginners Mutual funds are ideal for investors who don't have time or the ability to choose stocks. Yes- but not directly, so don’t worry. "The retirement saver who plans to retire in 30 years could use a 2050 target-date fund. Since mutual funds invest across various asset classes, each scheme has different risks depending on the portfolio.
"He says to look for a mutual fund with a good long-term performance that compares well against other mutual funds investing in the same area of the market. It’s deemed as the fund type of choice for investors with an appetite for moderate risk.It depends upon the fund you’ve chosen to invest in, the period or how long you’ve invested it, and the performance of the fund.

Mutual funds investment can be availed for amounts as small as Rs. If you are not fully aware of the load(s) your chosen fund has, you can potentially lose thousands of dollars. Index funds are mutual funds based on the performance of one of the notable indexes (e.g., the S&P 500). It’s deemed to be the safest MF type but also generates the least amount of return for your money.This is recommended for people looking to invest their money in the short-term.This type of mutual fund features a typical portfolio of stocks, bonds, and/or money market funds. We’ll talk about those charges later.Instead of explaining it theoretically, I’ve decided to use another approach- that is by explaining it through a story:The example above is just a simple analogy of how mutual funds work. Here's an overview.An investment strategy will only work for you if it meets your standards.The decisions you make with your 401(k) contributions depend on your current financial situation.Be aware of hidden fees. 500 and for as long or as short an investment period as the investor desires. Many novice investors mistakenly believe that all mutual funds are the same but that’s simply not true!
The shorter your time horizon, the more conservative your mutual fund should be, generally speaking. Joshua Kennon co-authored "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Investing, 3rd Edition" and runs his own asset management firm for the affluent.