Sometime before the start of the series, Joan was briefly married to a man named Scotty. CGC's secretaries express irritation at being placed under Joan's command, but she brushes them off to warmly welcome back Peggy, who had briefly left to work for By "The Better Half", Joan and Bob have become close friends, and are preparing to go to the beach together with Kevin. Loving mum to Christopher, Nigel, Jeremy, Simon, Nicholas, Melanie and their families. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Court docs detail Maxwell's 'constant' orgies with girls on Epstein islandMan who lost penis to infection has a bigger one built for him —...Lawmaker used federal funds to pay for lavish lifestyle: fedsJeffrey Epstein hosted Bill Clinton on his private island, documents revealJanuary Jones as Betty Francis, Christina Hendricks as Joan Harris, Elisabeth Moss as Peggy Olson and Jessica Pare as Megan Draper.Last dance? "The Forecast" is full of characters trying to determine and express what they want, but what does Joan want?Let us begin with a man named Scotty. Scotty (last name unknown; ex-husband) Greg Harris (ex-husband) Children: Kevin Harris (with Roger Sterling) Romances: Roger Sterling (ex-lover) Paul Kinsey (ex-lover) Joan P. Holloway is a fictional character in Mad Men. Because I want love. When Roger responds negatively to the presence of Bob, whom Joan had also invited, she warns him that she is allowing him into Kevin's life, but not hers.In Season 7, Joan completely cedes her office-manager role to Dawn Chambers and becomes an account executive, handling Avon and Butler Footwear, in addition to taking a more active role as a partner. His name was Scotty. Roger attempts to be a part of Joan and Kevin's lives, but she tells him that she intends to let Kevin grow up thinking that Greg is his father. On Thanksgiving, Joan invites Roger to spend it with her. She is last seen watching her mother and Kevin go off to the park and then resuming her work at the new venture, which is operating out of her apartment under the name Holloway and Harris. However, it turns out to be a business meeting, as Avon is looking for a new direction. A notable feature of Joan's new office is an intercom to the conference room that she can use to monitor meetings within, a feature conveniently forgotten by everyone except her and Peggy.During this time, Lane expresses romantic interest in Joan but she does not return it. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! (\"For Those Who Think Young\")It is then revealed in \"The New Girl\" that Greg has proposed to Joan. In "A Tale of Two Cities", Joan goes on a blind date with an Avon executive, which is arranged by Kate. It turns out to be a business meeting, as Avon is looking for a new direction. (\"The New Girl\")Joan, who is helping …