To do this:The final way of improving battery life on your PS4 controller requires getting your hands dirty.The PS4 controller has a 1000mAh battery, but you can buy a 2000mAh DualShock 4 replacement battery and install it yourself. Recent updates have made this even easier to execute.Now this has a more profound effect on gaming. We may get a commission if you buy via our price links. To save the PS4 controller battery life, you can turn the controller’s volume down.

The Playstation 4 has sold over 100 million units and for good reason. At least they do when their controllers are charged.Unfortunately, the DualShock 4 controller has abysmal battery life. Jade is the dedicated games writer at Trusted Reviews. Is this article useful? Vibration is a big part of immersing yourself in a game world. From there, select “Sound/Devices,” then “Brightness of DualShock 4 Light Bar.” By default, this is set to “bright;” however, changing it to “dim” will help you wring out a little extra battery life. The camera tracks controller movement via the light bar when playing PSVR games.

If your DualShock 4 controller is having problems pairing with the PS4 or behaving erratically, there are a few things you can try first, including both a soft reset and a hard reset of the PS4 controller.

Shadow: Who's King of the Cloud? And the louder the volume, the more power it requires. We love the PS4 and DualShock 4 controller. The Internet is rife with people lamenting the short battery life of their DualShock 4 controllers. Tell us what you think – For instance, in “The Last Of Us,” the sound of your flashlight clicking on and off, as well as the audio from voice recordings, is delivered through the controller speaker.As fun as that may be, the controller speaker is much louder than it actually needs to be. To save your controller’s battery, you can tell it to automatically shut itself off earlier.You can adjust the the auto shutoff time of your controllers in one of two ways. Instead, you’ll have to head to “Settings -> Devices -> Controllers.” From there,  scroll down to the option labelled “Enable Vibration.” Pressing the “X” button will remove the check from the box and disable the vibration function of your DualShock 4 controller.While you are always going to have to charge your DualShock 4 controller, there are gadgets that will help prevent interruptions in gameplay.

As stated by Sony, the Dualshock 4 controller can last upto 8 hours on a single charge. The other way to do this is to pull up the PS4’s quick menu by long-pressing the PS button on your DualShock 4 controller and selecting “Sound/Devices.”The DualShock 4 has a forward-facing “light bar” that changes color during certain games. The controller speaker is louder than it needs. Select “Devices,” then “Volume Control (Speaker for Controller).” Here you’ll be able to toggle a lower volume that suits you and saves a bit of juice. The fact there is a Highway to Hell, and only a Stairway to Heaven, says a lot about the anticipated numbers.

First, we recommend buying a If you don’t want to invest in a charging station or don’t trust yourself to actually use it, do yourself a favor and grab an Do you have any tips or tricks for getting the most play time out of your DualShock 4 controller? Seen at outlets such as MTV UK, Kotaku and Trusted Reviews (… The PS4 controller has a 1000mAh battery, but you … Although it couldn’t give that claimed extra 20 hours of play, we managed to more than double our DualShock 4’s battery life by using it.Having a second PS4 controller isn’t just useful for some same-screen multiplayer action.