Mailchimp Sites may request cookies to be set on your device. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. I have two list in MailChimp.

Create Mailchimp API keys . Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled I am try to fetch the all list of members subscribe to given list for given Group from MailChip API.

your coworkers to find and share information.

your coworkers to find and share information. In previous version of MailChimp API there was option to get specific list of members. MailChimp is marketed as a freemium marketing automation platform/email marketing service for small businesses. We can get all the Members in a List by calling the MailChimpManager.Members.GetAllAsync method and passing to it both the ID of the List we want, and a MemberRequest object that filters the results. View API Status. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under IMailChimpManager MC = new MailChimpManager(@"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxx"); var listMembers = await MC.Members.GetAllAsync(ListId);
I hate complex wrappers. The Overflow Blog Free 30 Day Trial

MailChimp API.

I'm trying to get all the members in my list (around 19,000 members) and am using the The following code only retrieves the first 1000 membersI have done something similar using C# script on unity 3D, with basic authentication and WWW request.
List campaigns: This operation retrieves a list of campaigns in an account. I would make a request to get all the 20k members, and with a simply linq/foreach/filter. …but you don’t have an MailChimp API key. In API I can't find filter/query like this neither. Featured on Meta That's bad.With second option I would need to loop 100 emails and send 100 request to get each member.Is there any workaround to get list of members querying by multiple emails in v3.0?In API I can't find filter/query like this neither. With this You will get your 100 members in JSON so I think thats the fastest, and easiest way to do it. I would make a request to get all the 20k members, and with a simply linq/foreach/filter. I’ll be using Postman to test all the routes. Private self-hosted questions and answers for your enterpriseProgramming and related technical career opportunities 1) Master List.

The built-in source corresponds with the one you can see under the email address on the profile page of your list members. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under