Also known as daily driver, this software can help you measure the temperature of the CPU. The motherboard temperature range should be somewhere between 20 degrees and 80 degrees Celsius while idle.

It lists out results in one go which makes this even more convenient.It does not just measure temperature of your CPU, but also keeps track of other things which contribute for proper functioning of your system. The best thing about this software is that there is no need of installation. However, when you opt for paid version, this software will become your one-stop destination to know about your system’s health.HWMonitor keeps track of your system’s temperature and other components. Once you have idea about the temperature of CPU, you can reduce the amount of workload so that it stays in optimal state for long!Though paid, this software is worth investing in! To be specific, CPU houses several important parts of your system such a hard disk and motherboard.

Thus, we need temperature monitoring software which guides us about the temperature.

It has some advanced features that are usually available in paid versions of a few software.Its basic function is as game software, but it proves equally helpful in determining other information as well. Real Temp includes a few features for improved temperature monitoring.

However, the best ones have been listed for you!

JavaScript is disabled. This diagnoses your system in and out and lets you know about your system.It is a complete monitoring tool which allows you to know temperature of both CPU and GPU.

Here is the list of a few CPU temp monitors which can be utilized. It supports both 32 and 64-bit computers. While there might be some airflow, it's not the same as a heatsink and fan (particularly the top down models) moving air very close over top of them. With this information, you can keep an eye on your system and monitor the level of exertion you are putting on your PC.As the name suggests, this is temperature monitor provides readings on temperature and voltage of your system.

You can monitor the load on the CPU so that you can manage it accordingly. Some general information such as temperature of fan, speed of network, information about storage, etc., which is not easily accessible can be found using this.This software has been designed for single core, dual core, Quad Core and Core i7 processors.

Thus, no matter which processor you have, this tool is a must have! I dont believe this reading. I fear its the software getting confused. I assume that is a net pic and not an actual picture of your system. Motherboard Monitor's documentation may not explain every detail of the program, but it is safe to call it a sensor monitor for your PC. All company, product and service names used in this website are for identification purposes only.

Check your Extreme's manual to know the location of System1 and System2 temperature probes. Knowing peaks of your system’s capabilities and limitations becomes lifesaver at several instances.

Do let us know in the comments section.All product names, trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners. It has several advanced features as well.It is open source software that can help us in determining temperature of CPU. It also accounts for the current incoming voltages so that you can monitor if excess current is being supplied. Asus says it is not normal. You will see all the important information just after you start the program on your Windows 10 PC. It has two versions, namely free and charge version. I assume that is a net pic and not an actual picture of your system. Forums We cannot even leave one amongst Overheating may seem harmless, but it has adverse effects. The best thing about this software is the simplicity. The best thing about this is that it shows some relevant information.It is simple and easy to use program which can be used to monitor temperature of the CPU. Hi guys. To drive chassis fans, I generally use the external temperature sensor … Best CPU Temperature Monitor Software for Windows. This is a full-fledged software that is designed especially for ASUS products. Also, you need not be expert in understanding hardware of computer. Both portable and installable version of this available for windows users! It is quite common for VRM's to get very warm, particularly with watercooling since there isn't a fan in the area for airflow. This gives out a detailed report about your system which can be used to improve the performance as well as lifetime of your system!This software has been recommended by experts because it provides real-time analysis report. However, Pentium 4 processors aren’t supported!This software has been popular among the users as it is pretty basic and delivers the information which is relevant and understandable for common folks. Real Temp, as the name suggests, is a free program which lets the users monitor the CPU’s temperature.

However the VRM's sit very close to the motherboard and the fans are placed quite a bit higher than the VRM's. This has several advanced features which might come handy to you.