For example ‘A’ item selling price is $30 up to 50 items.

Setup > Company > Enable Features > Transactions Tab > ‘Sales’ Field Group > Check ‘Quantity Pricing’ checkbox.Set Up > Accounting > Accounting Preferences > Items/Transactions Subtab > ‘Sales & Pricing’ field group >  Maximum # of Quantity - Based Price  Levels (Enter Column Numbers. NetSuite’s promotions codes can be automatically applied regardless of the order source to ensure consistent pricing control through ecommerce, integrated shopping carts and through marketing campaigns.
Replace your existing pricing software and promotions management architecture with NetSuite's powerful native capabilities to establish multiple price levels, customer and currency specific pricing, dollar and percentage discounts, promotion codes and transaction level gross profit analysis for a quick double-check on the effectiveness of your pricing strategy. Click the Group Pricing subtab. Process: Sales/Pricing - NetSuite hosts a variety of Pricing options, allowing you to set up various price levels in any currency used by your business. NetSuite’s price is tailored to each customer, predicated on a set of givens, including ERP configuration, required add-on modules, total user count and contract length. How to setup and use ‘Quantity Pricing’ in NetSuite‘Quantity Pricing’ is one of the most profitable way for a company or an organization to sell more quantity items to one customer. Each price level can be defaulted with a discount or mark-up to the base price and overridden as required.
Setup No.of Quantity Price Levels : Set Up > Accounting > Accounting Preferences > Items/Transactions Subtab > ‘Sales & Pricing’ field group > Maximum # of Quantity - Based Price Levels (Enter Column Numbers. If you chose to take advantage of our embedded ecommerce offerings, then you can be assured that your website pricing is also updated in real-time ensuring accuracy and avoiding even the slightest of pricing errors that can quickly become a costly problem to overcome Centrally define and manage pricing to ensure consistency and accuracy across all channels. It is like a a template. Its base license costs $999 per month with access costs of $99 per user, per month. Setting up multiple price levels enables you to have greater flexibility to set different pricing for different types of customer. Using NetSuite you can set up “Price Levels” which will automatically set online orders at one price and telephone orders at another. List > Accounting > Items > Sales/Pricing subtab > Select ‘Quantity Pricing’ record in ‘Quantity Pricing Schedule’ field.Manually: Goto > Lists > Accounting > Items > Sales/Pricing subtab > Give the quantity levels by manually in ‘Quantity’ column fields.By using ‘Quantity Pricing’ feature, we can easy to clearly mention quantity calculation (line, overall, parent, Scheduled) and applying discounts on being sold items. For example ‘A’ item pricing schedule is ‘XYZ’ & ‘B’ item pricing schedule is ‘XYZ’. Customers will view the online price in your web store after they log in. But we have an option In NetSuite. Topics: Ex: Desktop is parent item and mouse, keyboard etc are child items when you enter the items in sales order the discount is applied all items quantity based.By Overall  Schedule Quantity: Items which we add in sales transaction that have same pricing schedule then discount is calculated based on overall scheduled quantity items. For ex: 5).After enable this features in ‘Item’ record displayed fields are: (List > Accounting > Items > New > In Sales/Pricing tab)There are two ways to create create ‘Quantity Pricing’ in ‘Item’ record. In this scenario customer maximum attracted to purchase ‘3 T-Shirts’ In NetSuite ‘Quantity Pricing’ setup & creation processes are as per below mentioned way. For example, a single ‘T-Shirt’ cost is $20, but 3 ‘T-Shirts’ costs is $45. Select a pricing group and the price level for this group. A useful feature is the creation of alternate prices for an item, which allows you to assign alternate price levels to certain customers. Easily create and maintain price levels with multiple quantity breaks defined at the item level. Quantity calculation types are:By Line Quantity: Discount is applied based on ltem line level quantity.By Overall Item Quantity: Discount is applied based on overall line items (Same item) quantity.By Overall Parent Quantity: Discount is applied based on parent &  child  item quantity.