Each Merlin fanfiction recommendation will contain the title, rating, pairing, author and ofcourse a intensemmary of the fanfiction at hand. But they were made with Merlin in mind. Here is a helpful Hey Everyone - A lot of amazing content creators gathering together here for a great cause! I really have enjoyed reading this store by SGE on FanFiction(.)net. Please practice hand-washing and social distancing, and check out our resources for adapting to these times.

Arthur’s a city boy, even if he is dating a country bumpkin who grew up on a farm. What do you guys think of having a prompt list of some kind? A Month of Merlin: Hypable honours the end of the epic BBC series. This is a pipe dream but I want to read "The Student Prince" from Arthur's POV. Yes, that veil pun is just gonna hang there staring you all in the face until you check out this incredible cover. I can’t wait to have Yes, that veil pun is just gonna hang there staring you all in the face until you check out this incredible cover. It’s been nearly a week since Lock Down Fest started and we’ve been amazed at the response. Series of one shots about merlin and Arthur’s days in between all the fighting. Et pour cela il était prêt à se mettre entre ce dernier et son père Uther. 113 Merlin : une vie de famille » by ShiyaMiam C'est quand il passe à deux doigts de perdre Merlin qu'Arthur se rend compte qu'il ne peut vivre sans son brun à ses côtés.
City Slicker (fanfiction) by Polomonkey. If you just wish to browse trough the fanfiction recommendations currently on Merlin’s Myth and Magic press the search button without entering any requirements. It has inspired me to make this trailer of sorts. Also available to content creators is the “Share this post, have the hard conversations about race and white privilege with those close to you, do your part to uplift black voices in any way you can, and PLEASE continue to educate yourselves on racial inequality and the struggle of people of color worldwide. Merthur … These are stories that were unfinished for whatever reason, that authors returned to and completed, and the art that goes with them! Aug 14, 2012 - Merlin / Arthur (Merlin Emrys / Arthur Pendragon, Merthur, Colin Morgan, Bradley James, Merlin Fanart) Stay safe and healthy. I tried not to do just a list of objects and characters, so a lot of these are rather general. Leave your winter, holiday, or New Years prompts!Prompting starts NOW and will close on the morning of So someone mentioned doing a Merlin themed prompt list for Inktober, so I put one together! The best of the Merlin/Arthur pairing aka Merthur. 3)   Content creators will make their commissions and post them on Tumblr, tagging whomever requested the work if they want. Other than that, please go wild! I have been reading Merthur fanfics for a while now but there are a few things I still want to find. On the eve of the finale, we bring the Merthur fans a way to keep the legend alive.

English - Staff: 1 - Followers: 10 - Since: 05-01-13 - Founder: MagicoftheWorld If you’re new to fanfiction this is a good place to start, and for the veterans, you can rediscover the classics (and hopefully some unexpected picks, too) and share your own recommendations in the comments!Despite a global pandemic, the show must go on. If they are, you must message them a screenshot or picture showing proof of donation, along with any specifics you may want that they are willing to do.