As it drifted in the current, he got a bite. According to MDWFP, the fish was recently certified as the world record by the Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame.World record fish often find themselves hanging on a wall.
The world record was recently certified by the Fresh WaterFishing Hall of Fame. "My bobber went under and the fight was on," Henson said. "My wife asked me about that," Henson said. "They were excited to get that fish," Henson said. Alexandra Deabler is a Lifestyle writer and editor for Fox News. "Henson said he was using a 3-inch whole shad about 12 feet below a cork. Don Henson caught the monster fish Sept. 10 at the Sardis Lakespillway, the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks said. “I was catfishing at the time,” said Don Henson of Southaven. I catch them pretty often. "They devoured it." Their tough hides were used by settlers and Native Americans as shield covers.They’re found in inshore waters and estuaries, and prey largely on small fish, crustaceans, and insects. “They feed on the blacktip sharks, which is so cool.

A Southaven man recently caught a world record longnose gar below the Sardis Lake spillway. He contacted the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks and the gar was certified as a new state record. lists as the all-tackle Sign up for the For The Win newsletter to get our top stories in your inbox every morningA little girl standing in front of an underwater enclosure at a zoo in Belgium got an unexpected kiss from a passing walrus that left spectators laughing in delight.The girl, holding a small, stuffed panda bear in her left hand, stepped forward to the thick glass as the walrus approached. "It was a big fish and kept pulling down.

A Maryland angler who was fishing for catfish on Monday ended up landing a state-record longnose gar.The fish weighed 18.3 pounds, narrowly beating a record set last year. He filleted it and gave the meat to friends. For the sake of comparison, the International Game Fish Assn. "I normally catch big catfish like 25 pounds or so. “It’s bringing over food.”The male orca was one of three transient orcas, or killer whales, that...Every year, schools of blacktip sharks migrate down the Florida coast, and when they do, huge hammerhead sharks are always close behind.And not far away you'll usually find Joshua Jorgensen on the beach filming the action for his YouTube BlacktipH Fishing show based in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.“These are giant sharks, 14-feet-plus in length, and these things weigh well over a thousand pounds,” Jorgensen said. I catch them pretty often.” Henson said he was using a 3-inch whole shad about 12 feet below a cork. A Southaven man recently caught a world record longnose gar below the Sardis Lake spillway. A Southaven man recently caught a world record longnose gar below the Sardis Lake spillway. "I said, 'It's too big for a wall.' I thought it was going to pop my line, but he didn't. “I normally catch big catfish like 25 pounds or so. And as the walrus came face-to-face with the girl, it planted a kiss on the glass.The humorous encounter occurred Tuesday at a zoo we presume to be Pairi Daiza in Brugelette.Clients on a nature tour in Alaska on Sunday enjoyed what the captain described as a “National Geographic moment” when an orca presented them with remains of a fresh kill.The accompanying footage, captured in Kachemak Bay by Capt. "So, Henson did what he often does. This one, however, had a different destiny. That's a big fish — a really big fish. Chantrelle Major, shows the orca's approach as Major narrates.“Oh no, it’s hurt,” she says, after seeing flesh near the orca's mouth. “Oh no, it’s bringing over food,” she says. A world record longnose gar was pulled from a Mississippi lakein September by a Southaven fisherman, state wildlife officials said.
“This year we captured some amazing shots with our drones of hammerheads hunting blacktips.”One hammerhead ventured close to shore, getting the attention of a... “Once it broke the surface it started thrashing around and jumping until we got it in the net.”Matthews added: “I knew it was big, but I had no clue it was big enough to be a record.”For the sake of comparison, the International Game Fish Assn. "Henson didn't have the biggest catfish in the world, but he did have a huge longnose gar. It measured 60 inches long and weighed 48 pounds, 1 ounce. But as the orca got closer, Major realized it was pushing the flesh with its snout. "I was catfishing at the time," said Don Henson of Southaven. It was announced as the new state Chesapeake Division record Wednesday by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.After the fish was weighed on a certified scale, Matthews released it back into the creek.The MDNR describes the longnose gar as “a prehistoric fish distinguished by its long nose and hard scales.”The fish have been present in North America for about 100 million years. "I thought I had the biggest catfish in the world.