To successfully play a game, the following must occur:players must serve the shuttlecock over the net so that it lands on the correct side of the opponent's courtonce the serve has crossed the net (without hitting the net), the opposition must select the most appropriate shot to return the shuttlecock to either win the point or gain a tactical advantageto win a point, an individual must play a shot that allows the shuttlecock to either hit the floor of their opponent's court or force their opposition to either not return the shuttlecock or land it out of boundsIn badminton, points are scored regardless of who is serving.The beginnings of badminton can be traced to the mid-1800s, where it was created by British military officers stationed in British India. A competitive badminton court is a large rectangle marked out with 40 mm wide lines. Sign in, choose your GCSE subjects and see content that's tailored for you.The badminton serve is the shot selected to begin the point. Need help with GCSE Biology, PE or Spanish revision? Discover and create GCSE flashcards. From that point onwards the game became known as badminton.A game of badminton mixed doubles in its early days in British India Rotate your elbows and wrist to extend your racket arm quickly towards the shuttlecock, with the non-racket arm extended... Make contact with the shuttle in front of your racket foot at the highest point possible. Bridging the gap between theory and practice. Get started. Quizlet provides fun and simple tools to help you revise for your GCSEs. Sector-wide research. Originally called 'battledore' rather than badminton, its use of a shuttlecock, rather than a ball, has remained constant over the years. Did you do GCSE AQA Chemistry today or GCSE Edexcel Chemistry Paper 1.

keyboard_arrow_down Read more keyboard_arrow_up Read less Have you seen... Biomechanics: … New GCSE BBC Bitesize - Forces and Motion - Duration: 10:01. The lightness of the racket and the shape of the shuttlecock mean that it is a very fast game requiring good reactions and speed around the court.In all competitive games of badminton, a net splits the court in half and each individual or pair defends their selected area of the court. Helping physical education thrive. These essential skills and step-by-step resources will explain the techniques required to successfully perform a range of actions in badminton.Our team of exam survivors will get you started and keep you going. However, rather than the athletic game we see today, it was a simple rally competition where players would try to hit the shuttlecock as many times as possible without it hitting the ground.The sport of badminton underwent its first significant change in the 1800s when British army officers in India introduced a net and court. Left elbow should be fully extended at chest height pointing towards the target area you are aiming to … This video from GCSE Physical Education outlines the different health related and skills components of fitness. Saved by Ginny Messinger. Bbc History Roman History Learning Resources Teacher Resources Primary History Middle School Music English Resources Elizabeth I Portraits. Stage three Keep your eyes on the shuttlecock. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. KS2 History - BBC Bitesize. 2. Components of fitness that are 11 different components of physical fitness they can be divided into two categories there are six components related to health which need to be considered by athletes and non athletes alike and five related to skills which primarily affect athletes the first is cardiovascular fitness the capacity of the circulate three and respect tree system to meet the demands of the body for a sustained period of activity such as long distance wheelchair racing Or cycling next as muscular and joins the capacity of the muscles to perform a pizza contractions high level for an extended period of time without timing such as long distance running or rolling flexibility is the range of movement around the joint like in the system each test body composition is the percentage of body weight which is fucked muscle opened it needs to be a different levels depending on the sport for example springs his hands have more muscle Mass than long distance run is muscular strength is the T to overcome the resistance and it can be explosive static or dynamic squats are an example of dynamic strength speed is the maximum rated which individual is able to perform a movement or cover a distance like a 100 me to sprint to speeding away from his rivals coordination is a skills related components of fitness and is the ability to use two or more parts of the body together smoothly and efficiently like him die coordination and badminton agility is the ability To move and change direction at speed while maintaining control like touching an opponent in football balance is the maintenance of the Center of Mass over the base of support while static or dynamic those of these helps you not some equipment like the balance beam reaction time is the time taken to initiate to response to a stimulus like when sprint swimmers have to react quickly to the start again finally power the ability to you strength speed this helps athletes to jump in throw fall or spring quicklyBitesize Summer Nature Challenge with Sir David Attenborough!