Maya Angelou was a writer, a speaker, an actor, a poet, a civil rights activist…she was indeed a living legend who I was fortunate to hear speak a year before she died. It was very distinctive, all caps, neat and straight. It’s your call. But before that, he worked for my dad, who owned a small rubber company. You should be proud of your community and proud of your schools. Ultimately, a superintendent is responsible for the day-to-day operations of all of the personnel and facilities in a school district. Humorist. My mom called the bus garage, and realized I was actually scheduled for morning kindergarten. Because the levy failed multiple times and opportunities for kids were being eliminated. I DJed a graduation party for LeBron James. To make things worse, this one red haired kid–whose name I later would learn was Dave Varga–had drawn this incredible picture of a dinosaur. I know all you want to hear is your name being called as you walk across the stage, so I’m not going to delay that very much longer.

You have a responsibility, I believe, to pay forward the blessings that you were given.You can read, so you are luckier than over one billion people in the world who can’t. You were the most influential teacher I ever had.

You might be a great musician, or an actor, or maybe you can fix cars or counsel friends in need. Realizing this, districts look to hire folks that are not only going to be dynamic in the classroom, but also good colleagues.In other words, it is not enough to be a great teacher. And when you mess up, admit it. I’m telling you about him because when I saw his awesome dinosaur I went into a “Rhinestone Cowboy” cocoon. But that is not why I am telling you about him. That’s a lesson I learned from my brother Dave.And because we are talking about Daves, let’s talk about one more: Dave Broman. We need to be thankful the wave returned our child and remember that the lost hat just isn’t that important.That’s it, guys, three things I hope you remember. We are proud members of the Ohio Minority Recruitment Consortium (OMRC) and the Cleveland Area Minority Educators Recruitment Association (CAMERA). I felt so out of place. Broman also is a great role model in how he lives his life. When you have the opportunity to lend a hand, lend it. The teachers do not pay enough for their health care. Seeing Dave’s greatness made me doubt my own. Dr. Clark is an active member of several organizations to include the American Urological Association (AUA) and the American College of Surgeons.

American Sign Language and Chinese? At all my high school dances I was the only guy out there with all those ladies! It was absolutely amazing. My daughter was suspended when she should not have been.

I was last, born in 1970, the youngest of eleven.So when you are the youngest of eleven, as you might expect, your parents are tired. Nordonia High School class of 2018, as you get ready to enter life after high school, my advice for you is to live like the three Daves. Vision, Continuous Improvement, and Focus of District WorkThe Department of Education and the State Board of Education have adopted specific roles and responsibilities for superintendents in Ohio. But because my own two sons graduated this year, parents, I feel as if I am sitting right there with you. You all go far beyond academics. Congratulations!My career in education started 25 years ago as an English teacher. recorded 7-30-20 Nordonia Schools Reopening - Focus You never know when is the last time you will do something. In 1957, my sister Karen; 1958, Perry; 1959, Chris; 1960, Kim. My son Matthew graduated from Wadsworth High School on Sunday, where the ceremony went two hours. We will need doctors and attorneys and construction workers and nurses and every other profession to ensure that work gets done, and gets done well.