Well, I said “What the heck, let’s try it anyways” even though I could find nothing on Google about Bluefish sushi.Let me say, it was quite good! I only use saltwater fish for sushi and don’t freeze mine. She caught what I THOUGHT was a blue runner, so needless to say I was excited about coming home and preparing some sashimi out of it. Blue runner fish how to catch and cook caranx crysos blue runner the blue c would you eat it trash fish taste test blue runner catch. They’re found swimming around manmade structures like oil rigs. After all, restaurants already command a premium for Aji, and they’re also consider baitfish.However, Aji has been marketed aggressively by Japanese wholesalers for years, so chefs have been working with them for a long time and have tamed consumers into eating them. Use chum as bait to attract large schools, especially if you want to catch bigger fish with them.Blue runner sportfishing is a blast! In my experience, only the bigger ones (over 10”) are really worth-well eating. I lived around St. Pete for over 20 years, a lot of quality fish in the GOM for sushi thats for sure.Hey, Dan. Check out some of my other post:Good stuff, glad to read this. A lot like mackerel in texture and mouth-feel, and very mild in flavor. I followed all your tips, including using Ike Jime, bleeding it out, scaling (using a new Japanese scaler which worked like a charm), not washing with fresh water, etc.As I’m prepping it my wife tells me that the fish was NOT a Blue Runner but in fact a Bluefish.

Though blue runner as seafood is scarce in restaurants, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give the recipes a try.You’ll also enjoy using it as bait to catch bigger game fish.Do you have any tips, tricks, and strategies to catch this fish in droves?We're always looking to improve our articles to help you become an even better fisherman.Hi, I’m Jon and I created Cast & Spear because I believe everyone deserves to catch fish.
Blue Runner sushi is unheard of in the US. This time, I used the leftover meat to make Gunkan sushi and tartare sashimi.Within the last year, I’ve seen more and more fishermen cook Blue Runners and many were surprised by the taste, in a good way. The blue runner (Caranx crysos), also known as the bluestripe jack, Egyptian scad, hardtail jack or hardnose, is a common species of moderately large marine fish classified in the jack family, Carangidae.The blue runner is distributed across the Atlantic Ocean, ranging from Brazil to Canada in the western Atlantic and from Angola to Great Britain including the Mediterranean in the east Atlantic. We catch ours in the Gulf of Mexico (FL panhandle area) and I know at least several species of fish in these waters are known to have parasites. How to Clean Blue Runners Place the bluejack fish on a cleaning board on one side. They’re found in the Atlantic Ocean in waters that range from Canada to Brazil and even from Great Britain to Angola. Personally, leaving this thin layer of lining gives it better visual appeal.Similar to Aji mackerel, Blue Runners also have a very hard and sharp armor like scales towards the end of the tail.

But a lot of people do eat them, and theres even a big market for jacks up north for different demographics. I like to try everything, and I spear fish and catch on hook and line lots of different fish off the west coast of Florida (near Clearwater). We’ll also show you how to rig one up to catch other species.The blue runner fish is a species of large fish that belong to Carangidae – the jack family. You can fillet the skin off with a knife, but the silver lining will be removed. In restaurants, these are often used in sushi rolls. Any concern about this? I can’t remember if it was blue runners or Spanish mackerel, but I know I’ve seen some small worms in the meat of some of the fish I’ve caught off the beach. Just make sure to bleed the fish as soon as it’s caught The hardest part is pulling off the skin with tweezers or pliers. Compared to Aji, Blue Runner taste bolder and the meat has firmer texture.It wouldn’t surprise me if sushi chefs from high-end restaurants charged close to $100 for a fancy Blue Runner platter like the one you see below. GL!Thank you SO much for posting this, and your other posts – love this website/blog! This means blue runners can tolerate lower salinities.This hardtail fish may be used as prized baitfish for larger game species, but that doesn’t mean they’re easily caught. The only concern I have is parasites. Caught by fishermen targeting red and vermilion snappers, blue runners on occasion shoal up and are caught in large numbers, but no commercial fisherman wants this, because blue runners (if they can be sold at all) usually go for next to nothing at the dock. Just make sure to cut the fillet off about an inch away from the end so you don’t dull up your knife. But I think that is starting to change now, I see more and more people trying fish that was once considered trash. The fish inhabits both offshore and inshore habitats such as coral reefs. It’s not mushy like some snappers so the fillets are less likely to gap.