Don’t start publicizing your need until after you receive it.While strangers do have the ability to donate to your cause, you are more likely to be funded by people who know you, your students, or your school. Giving money like this is not a decision made by our brains, but instead by our hearts. How did they explain their students’ needs? It should be specific and include the grade level/age group and subject. So get the word out! For example, “3rd Graders Today, Biologists Tomorrow!” is better than “Need Microscopes for My Class.”Take at look at other projects that are already posted that are similar to yours. Link the project on your Facebook account, send it out through Twitter. So be sure you create a clear picture in their minds of Once you’ve submitted your project, it normally takes three days for the Donors Choose staffers to vet it. to add more of what you need.Just as everywhere else in life, getting the paperwork right for your Donors Choose project is critical. You will receive another email from them that gives you a promotional match code offer, which almost ensures that your project will be funded. Once you’ve submitted your project, it normally takes three days for the Donors … Instead, start with a project that requires $100 to $300 in funding. Where did they get their pricing from? As school districts across the country have to tighten their belts just to make payroll, teachers are finding that, more and more, they must provide many of the necessary supplies for the classroom themselves. Spend time creating your title. So grab a cup of coffee and Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our team.Get the latest TechNotes posts filled with the latest edtech resources and strategies delivered straight to your inbox.Four Tips for Getting a Donors Choose Project Funded Then, if it’s your first project, keep waiting even after being approved. How did they describe the impact that receiving the requested materials would ultimately have on learning? Your project expires after four months, so you want something that will be funded quickly. Whether it’s furniture, technology, books, manipulatives, or art resources, educators are scrambling to ensure that their students have what they need.One of the ways that teachers are achieving this is to create “fund me” projects on websites such as 70% of the projects on Donors Choose are eventually funded. Post it in the teacher workroom and on the bulletin board at your church.Here are a few last tidbits to help you get the funding you need:Creating your first project only takes about 30 minutes. Add the link to your email signature. To ensure that yours is one of them, here are four tips to make your project irresistible to donors:While your classroom may really need $5,000 worth of Chromebooks, don’t make that your first request. After your first success, you can do additional requests (ready: copy and paste!) Answer all of the questions carefully. Tips #3: Be Patient. Then have another teacher read over your proposal to see if it’s clear and also tugs at her heartstrings.People get involved and donate if you are able to tell a story that inspires them and touches them emotionally.