Zoom later appears at the sacking of Rome; it is unknown whether he travelled to this time period himself, or if he became stranded there after his last encounter with Wally. Or, if Jay Garrick exists on Earth-2, why doesn't he exist on Earth-1? Barry gives chase, along with the Black Flash hot on their trail, intent on purging the other Forces from the Speed Force. OK, let's dive into these reveals a little bit more, starting with what we learned about Here's where it starts to get tricky. Labs team and help Barry get stronger. Noticing Hunter, Ashley pleaded for him to run but James took him in front of his mother, giving Hunter his silver helmet, and forced him to watch as he murdered Ashley. Hunter traveled to Earth-1 after the singularity opened in the show's season 1 finale in order to surveil their version of The Flash. The second character to assume the Reverse-Flash mantle, he serves as the archenemy of Wally West. The enraged Zoom then begins running around the world, building up speed to collide with and kill Linda. Shortly after, James was sent to prison, ca… Because it's about to get even trickier. Zoom is asked by Bart's Hunter approaches the resurrected and imprisoned Thawne at It is later revealed that Thawne brought Zolomon into the twenty-fifth century as part of Zolomon's prior suggestion that they could help each other be better, the two manipulating the Renegades and agreeing on the need for the Flashes to take a different approach, but they soon parted ways because Thawne felt that, in the end, Zolomon still had faith that the Flashes could be what he imagined them to be whereas Thawne had given up on that idea.
When Ashley was hospitalised after a car accident, Zoom awakened from his coma out of concern.A battle ensues between the three Flashes and the two Zooms. Hunter proclaims his goal is to kill the Black Flash, as he says it's his destiny to kill "death itself" after all the tragedies in his life.

Barry reminds Hunter that he broke the Force barrier by using him and Wally, so they also must find a way to repair the barrier in order to return and solve the mystery of Thawne's involvement. Wally catches up with Zoom and pushes him, causing the villain to fall forward into the sonic boom that he himself used to kill Linda's twins, thus creating a "fissure in time" that restores Linda's pregnancy. Now, Hunter gets ahead of Caitlin and shows her the Earth-1 version of Hunter Zolomon, attributing the different names to the differences in their universes.Still with me? On the day Hunter was to leave for college, his father (a Hunter came to the conclusion that Wally's refusal to help was because of never suffering a personal tragedy unlike Zolomon's estranged wife Ashley replaced him as a profiler in the police department and attempted to communicate with him. Cisco discovered that Zoom is Jay Garrick aka Hunter Zoloman on The Flash, but are they actually the same person? He expresses a wish that things could have been different, but then remarks that saving the day is what Flashes do. It's a bit of a head-scratcher, so I'm going to break down the mystery of Jay Garrick and Hunter Zolomon on The Flash. as a leader, who helped to nurture everyone involved. Hunter then forces Wally to repeatedly experience their first fight in which Linda was severely injured, feeling that West should be made to focus on feelings of sorrow and loss to become a better hero.

Hunter Zolomon, otherwise known as Zoom, is a fictional supervillain appearing in comic books published by DC Comics. But, when he realizes Barry doesn't have enough speed, Hunter dons the persona of Jay again in order to infiltrate the S.T.A.R. He is later seen as a ghostly figure apologising to Ashley. Barry then shows Hunter a memory fragment in the Forever Force, explaining he investigated Hunter's case on Ashley's father, discovering that Eobard Thawne played a part in the murder by giving the Clown a gun before the final confrontation. So, basically, Jay Garrick hasn't really existed on After fans reacted negatively to the reveal that the Jay we've seen on Of course, that brings up entirely new questions. After Thawne's 'death', Zolomon finally concedes to Thawne's ideas, returning to his appearance as Zoom and proclaiming that he will provoke the Flashes to war if they will not cooperate with his vision themselves.After he massacred all the Flashes in the multiverse and terrorized Gorila City, he began searching for the Still Force user.