Most meals include rice and fish. The National Day, held on the first day of the lunar calendar’s third month, is celebrated with parades and marches held across the country. Vegetables are almost absent in the cuisine of Maldives as the country has little arable land to grow vegetables. Rice, sugar, and flour are some of the basic commodities that are imported to Maldives from other countries. Pre-marital sex is not allowed and punishable. 18 is the legal age of marriage in Maldives but marriage at a younger age is usually the norm. Prostitution is illegal in the country and homosexuality has been criminalized.The cuisine of Maldives mostly involves fish as the main source of protein. Most meals include rice and fish. Republic Day is held on November 11 and celebrates the foundation of the Republic of Maldives.Football is the most popular sports in Maldives. However, most families on the island are nuclear in nature. The people of the island celebrate the end of the month of Ramadan with great festivities. Vegetables are almost absent in the cuisine of Maldives as the country has little arable land to grow vegetables. One of the famous religious works produced here is the “Siyarathunnabaviyyaa” by the writer Husain Salaahuddheen.The island life of the Maldives also influences many art and craft forms in the nation. The state religion of the country, Islam, also dictates various cultural aspects of the people. Meat other than pork is consumed on certain ceremonial occasions. The President of the country must be a Sunni Muslim. The language of the country being related to the northern Indian languages makes this affinity for Indian music and dance quite natural. The cuisine of Maldives mostly involves fish as the main source of protein.

Woodcarving and lacquer work of Maldives is famous for its intricate designs and bright colors. The North Indian Maldivian literature has a distinct folk aspect associated with it. Foreigners are not allowed to worship publicly in the country if they are adherents of any other religion.Islam being the state religion of the Maldives, Islamic festivals are the only religious festivals celebrated here. The Prophet’s Birthday is another Islamic festival observed in the nation and involves visits to the mosques for prayers. Folk tales in the country have been passed from one generation to the next by word of mouth and many have been penned down to the written form. Food for tourists is mostly imported. Inheritance laws apply equally to both males and females. The members of society are expected to adhere to the Islamic code of conduct. Songs of Lata Mangeshkar, Mukesh, Asha Bhonsle, all notable Indian singers, are enjoyed by the people in the island nation. Fishing is the second biggest industry in the country. Non-Muslims are not allowed to vote, hold public positions or be the citizens of the country. Jet skiing, windsurfing, sailing, scuba diving, snorkeling, diving, swimming, parasailing, and beach volleyball are some of the sports activities which attract a large number of tourists to the country from across the world.

Women maintain their maiden names after marriage. Traditional boats called “dhonis" are built of coconut wood and their sturdy and stylish appearance exhibit the excellent craftsmanship skills of the Maldivian boat-builders.The freedom of religion is severely restricted in Maldives. Adventure activities like bungee jumping, gliding, rock-climbing, etc., are also popular in the country.All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions © 2020 For men, the traditional attire involves a sarong wrapped around the waist as a lower garment and a cotton shirt which is more often white in color. The The traditional costume of the tropical island is nice and simple. Women also enjoy a respectable role in the society. Music and dancing is an integral part of the culture of Maldives and is heavily influenced by North Indian music and dance. Elements of African culture can also be observed in the Maldivian culture.The Maldivian society pays great respect to the elders and promotes strong bondage with immediate and extended family members. Rice, sugar, and flour are some of the basic commodities that are imported to Maldives from other countries. Fishing is the second biggest industry in the country. Mats woven from dyed reeds are created by the women of the country and used as prayer mats or sold as souvenirs. Bollywood films, films of the Indian film industry based in Mumbai, are extremely popular among the people of the Maldives. Folk tales of Maldives feature various aspects like magicians, plants and animals of the island, good and evil spirits, royals who ruled the region, and origin of life on the islands, etc.