However, Lisa is not fooled by Bart and knows that he is still just a dimwit. Bart returns home and tells Homer that he switched tests, and although it was a stupid thing to do, he is glad that they are now closer together. A gill is much, much larger than a Pico liter.) Bart's use of the phrase "Eat my shorts" was intended to reflect his adoption of catchphrases he had heard on TV; the creative team had told Vitti that he should not come up with original taglines for the character. The episode begins as the Simpson family plays Scrabble, in the living room, in an effort to build Bart’s vocabulary for his aptitude test tomorrow at school. "Bart the Genius" "Homer's Odyssey" "There's No Disgrace Like Home" "Bart the General" "Moaning Lisa" "The Call of the Simpsons" "The Telltale Head" "Life on the Fast Lane" "Homer's Night Out" But, Homer doesn’t see it Bart’s way, and he chases Bart out of the tub, trying to choke him. 2:12. "Bart the Genius" is the second episode of Season 1. An angry Homer chases Bart through The concept for the episode developed from writer Jon Vitti coming up with a long list of bad things Bart could do and imagining the potential consequences. Cut to Dr. Pryor’s office, where a green stained Bart meets, with Dr. Pryor. Accuracy: A team of editors takes feedback from our visitors to keep trivia as up to date and as accurate as possible. Cut to later at dinner, as a depressed Bart eats, Marge reminds everyone that they can’t be late for the film festival that she bought tickets for, as another way to nurture Bart’s brain. This was no mere cartoon. Bart is too quick for Homer and runs into his bedroom and locks the door. Bart swaps IQ tests with Martin, and ends up the butt of everyone's jokes at a school for gifted kids. Shh! Bart the Genius Trivia Questions & Answers : 'Simpsons' - Season 1 This category is for questions and answers related to Bart the Genius, as asked by users of While her back is turned, Bart, who is seated at the front of the class, reaches over to Mrs. Krabappel’s desk and steals Martin’s test, replaces Martin’s name with his own and then puts the test back on her desk. A dejected Bart walks away from the lunch table as the other kids laugh at him. Vitti used all his memories of elementary school behavior to produce a draft script of 71 pages, substantially above the required length of about 45 pages. The scene where Bart writes his confession was done as one long take to balance the shorter scenes elsewhere in the episode. Later during the opera, a bored and impatient Homer and Bart goof off and cut each other up, even though they are continually shushed by an upset Marge. It is the first episode to use the famous opening sequence and marks the first use of Bart's catchphrase "Eat my shorts!" The visualization turns into a daydream and when Bart finally comes back to reality, Martin announces that he has finished his test already. Bart the Genius is the second episode of The Simpsons' first season.