Lori Glaze, director of NASA’s Planetary Science Division, said NASA will be able to preserve the samples for decades, allowing scientists in the future to study them to answer questions “we haven’t even thought of yet.” In 2026, NASA will launch on a two-year journey a lander to bring the samples back, opting for a different and much longer route than it took for Perseverance to avoid arriving in the middle of winter when storms are prevalent. NASA's next Mars rover will bear to the Red Planet a tribute to brave healthcare workers fighting a pandemic here on Earth. “I think there would be no bigger discovery in the history of humanity than finding life that is not on our own world,” Bridenstine said.Fix your telescope on all space-related news, from rocket launches to space-industry advancements.

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER — America’s Mars Perseverance rover launched Thursday from Cape Canaveral, the start of an 11-year quest to discover if the Red Planet ever harbored life. For the samples to make it back to Earth, America and Europe have devised a complex and lengthy return mission that will send up a yet-to-be-developed lander, rover, orbiter and small rocket.

There was a brief issue communicating with the spacecraft after launch, but it was resolved, NASA said. Whenever it lifts off during this summer's window, Perseverance will land inside the 28-mile-wide (45 kilometers) In addition, Perseverance will collect and cache several dozen samples, which NASA and the European Space Agency will work together to bring back to Earth, The Mars 2020 mission will also test out several new exploration technologies.

Delaying it again would have cost NASA about $500 million. “The public wants to see the United States of America and our international partners do stunning things, and we have a history of doing amazing things in the most challenging times.

Even if it’s just microbes.” Perseverance will land in Mars’ Jezero crater, a 28-mile-wide part of the planet that billions of years ago was home to a now dried-up river that could hold traces of ancient life. For example, one of Perseverance's seven science instruments will generate oxygen from Mars' thin, carbon dioxide-dominated atmosphere. The rover itself was cleaned relentlessly. The plate has been affixed to the left side of the six-wheeled Perseverance's chassis, between the middle and rear wheels, NASA officials said. "We're asking people to follow the guidelines of the governor of Florida. Other tools will collect data about the planet’s weather to help predict dangerous dust storms and shoot a ground-penetrating laser to help figure out what kind of landing gear human missions need. “For me, that’s what it’s about. But the agency will not make a similar request about Perseverance's liftoff. (Launch windows for Mars missions come around just once every 26 months, when Earth and the Red Planet are both on the same side of the sun. The hopeful return date for the samples is 2031. In the lead-up to Thursday’s launch, NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine talked about the new meaning the name of the rover took on once the coronavirus began to spread across the nation.
Factories were shuttered and streets were cleared across China's Hubei province as authorities ordered residents to stay home to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Then in 2029, the rocket, which is only about 9 feet tall and 2 feet wide, will lift off from the Mars surface. If signs of life are found, NASA officials said they anticipate it would forever transform the way humans see themselves. NASA satellite data has shown a 30 percent reduction in atmospheric nitrogen dioxide pollution in the northeastern U.S. during the coronavirus lockdown.. It … But even after NASA lands back on Mars, analyzing the samples left behind won’t be instantaneous work. Composite charts from NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio (SVS): Reductions in Nitrogen Dioxide Associated with Decreased Fossil Fuel Use Resulting from COVID-19 …

"We wanted to demonstrate our appreciation for those who have put their personal well-being on the line for the good of others," Perseverance deputy project manager Matt Wallace, of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, The 3-by-5-inch (8 by 13 centimeters) plate features the staff-and-serpent symbol of the medical community holding up Earth, from which a spacecraft is departing for the Red Planet. In the lead-up to Thursday’s launch, NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine talked about the new meaning the name of the rover took on once the coronavirus began to spread across the nation.
David Parker, director of human and robotic exploration for the European Space Agency, said its portion of the return mission will total about 1.5 billion Euros, or about $1.8 billion.

As the new coronavirus shuts down countries around the world, the impact can be seen from space.

Going 0.1 mph, it can self-drive 656 feet a day looking and traverse obstacles about a foot high. NASA estimated its part will cost up to $3 billion.